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Dylan Thomas

Seine Gedichte sind so auffallend anders als die der zu dieser Zeit populären Lyriker der klassischen Moderne wie z.B. T.S. Eliot und W.H. Auden, die eher durch ihre emotionale Zurückhaltung auffielen. Viele Leser fanden seine Gedichte bewegend aber schwer verständlich. Auden und Eliot schrieben noch auf eine irgendwie als Lyrik erkennbare Art und waren noch irgendwo verständlich. Was man bei Dylan Thomas zu lesen bekamt, war aber komplett neu.

Mit einer schlichten Sprache erwecken seine Gedichte Vorstellungen und Erlebnisse, wie wenige englische Dichter vor und nach ihm, die immer wieder um Sterblichkeit, die schon in der Geburt unausweichlich vorbestimmt ist, kreisen. Die Condition humana, die "Geworfenheit" des Menschen, wie sie allgemein und unabhängig von der persönlichen Lebenszeit und den persönlichen Lebensumständen des Individuums gilt, ist sein großes Thema: Der König muss genauso sterben wie der Bauer.

Die späteren Gedichte nutzen virtuos auch komplizierte Reimschemata und strengere Formen, von klassischen Formen bis zu modernen Formexperiementen.

Damit steht er auf eine Ebene mit Ezra Pound, W.H. Auden und T.S. Eliot, denn grade durch den Unterschied von deren und Dylan Thomas Lyrik wird seine Neuartigkeit und Eigenständigkeit deutlich: Dylan Thomas ist kein intellektueller Weltbürger oder politisch engagierter Mensch, sondern steckt tief in der Landschaft und Tradition seiner Heimat und bleibt als solcher ein Außenseiter in der Welt, der auf seinen spontanen Visionen und Empfindungen besteht.

A Hunchback in the Park

Fern Hill

Under Milk Wood - Anfang

Under Milk Wood - Ausschnitt

In my craft and sullen art

Do not go gentle into that good night

Links zu interessanten Webseiten



Dylan Marlais Thomas wird in Swansea, Gamorganshire als jüngstes Kind von David John Thomas und … geboren


The Song of a Mischievous Dog erscheint in der Schülerzeitung


Vorschule, Besuch des Gymnasiums in Swansea


Dylan Thomas wird Mtarbeiter, später Chefredakteur der Schülerzeitung


Dylan Thomas verlässt das Gymnasium ohne Abschlußprüfung, außer im Fach Englisch


Dylan Thomas beginnt als Korrektor und Jungreporter bei der South wales Daily Post und dem herald of Wales


Dylan Thomas übernimmt rollen in Aufführungenv erschiedener kleiner Theatergruppen.


Die meisten Gedichte seiner beiden späteren ersten Gedichtbände entstehen.


The Saint Be Kept gewinnt den ersten Preis in der Poet's Corner der Zeitschrift The Sunday Referee


The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower gewinnt den ersten Preis in der Poet's Corner der Zeitschrift The Sunday Referee


And Death Shall Have No Dominion erscheint in The New English Weekly.


18 Poems erscheint (mit finanzieller Unterstützung des Sunday Referee)


Dylan Thomas zieht nach London


weitere Veröffentlichungen in Londoner Zeitschriften


Twenty-five Poems


Edith Sitwell bespricht die Twenty-five Poems positiv


Dylan Thomas und Caitlin Macnamara heiraten in Penzance


Aufenthalte in Cornwall, London, Hampshire, Wales


Map of Love


The World I Breathe


Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog


Dylan Thomas arbeitet mit John Davenport an dem (später nicht veröffentlichten) Kriminalroman The Death of the King's Canary


Dylan Thomas wird Mitarbeiter der BBC. Dort hält er Dichterlesungen mit eigenen und anderen Gedichten und Radioessays, z.B. Memories of Christmas, Quite Early One Morning, Holiday Memory.


Dylan Thomas wird Mitarbeiter der Strand Films of Golden Square (später Gryphon Films), Mitarbeit and Drehbüchern für Dokumentarfilme, z.B. Our Country


Death and Entrances


Selected Writings mit einer Einführung von John L. Sweeney


Dylan Thomas arbeitet für Gainsborough Films an Drehbüchern für Spielfilme, u.a. The Beach of Falesá nach einer Kurzgeschichte von robert Louis Stevenson


Teilnahme am kommunistischen Schriftstellerkongreß in Prag


Dylan Thomas lebt mit Familie Laugharne.


I. Vortragsreise durch Amerika


Persienreise für Recherchen zu einem Dolumentarfilm im Auftrag der Anglo-Iranian Oil Company


II. Vortragsreise durch Amerika


In Country Sleep.


Collected Poems erscheint


Arbeiten am Drehbuch The Doctor and the Devils (erscheint 1953)


Dylan Thomas erhält den William Foyle Poetry Prize für seine Collected Poems


III. Amerikareise


IV. Amerikareise


Dylan Thomas stirbt in New York


Dylan Thomas wird in Laugharne beerdigt

Lektüreempfehlungen mit Werken von und über Dylan Thomas

: Dylan Thomas (€ 62,99)
`That brilliant commentator on Dylan, John Ackerman' - Andrew Sinclair, Dylan Thomas: Poet of his People John Ackerman's highly acclaimed study of the poems and prose works of Dylan Thomas traces his development as a writer, linking this for the first time with his Welsh background. The formative influence of Swansea on the young poet, his family roots in West Wales and the childhood visits to Fernhill farm and the nearby Blaen Cwm cottage are all included, together with the Boat House anhd Laugharne, the absorbing village life and the inspiration of its now famous land- and sea-scapes. The impact of Welsh nonconformity and the chapel, and the radical politics of Wales are also explored as important influences on the poet's career. The 1994 preface, together with the introduction, throws new light on later poems like 'Prologue', the poet's work in film, broadcasting, as reader and as lecturer, while his own newly-discovered words, sharp and witty and with a poet's eye highlight his life, times and craft. The kaleidoscope of his changing worlds is seen in his homes in Wales and England, and his need in each one for a separate place to write, whether the hillside shed in Laugharne or a gypsy caravan in Oxfordshire or Camden,
ISBN/EAN: 9781349243662

: A Dylan Thomas Companion (€ 80,24)
Opening with Thomas's life, the book offers vignettes of Swansea in the 1920s and 1930s, pre- and post-war Laugharne and rural West Wales, wartime London and New York City in the early 1950s, seen through the poet's eyes. Thomas's political views are focused on, as well as his social attitudes. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780333607039

: Dylan Thomas: His Life and Work (€ 86,00)
`That brilliant commentator on Dylan, John Ackerman' - Andrew Sinclair, Dylan Thomas: Poet of his People John Ackerman's highly acclaimed study of the poems and prose works of Dylan Thomas traces his development as a writer, linking this for the first time with his Welsh background. The formative influence of Swansea on the young poet, his family roots in West Wales and the childhood visits to Fernhill farm and the nearby Blaen Cwm cottage are all included, together with the Boat House anhd Laugharne, the absorbing village life and the inspiration of its now famous land- and sea-scapes. The impact of Welsh nonconformity and the chapel, and the radical politics of Wales are also explored as important influences on the poet's career. The 1994 preface, together with the introduction, throws new light on later poems like 'Prologue', the poet's work in film, broadcasting, as reader and as lecturer, while his own newly-discovered words, sharp and witty and with a poet's eye highlight his life, times and craft. The kaleidoscope of his changing worlds is seen in his homes in Wales and England, and his need in each one for a separate place to write, whether the hillside shed in Laugharne or a gypsy caravan in Oxfordshire or Camden. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780333634042

: Reading Dylan Thomas (€ 33,00)
A collection of essays on Dylan Thomas, reading culture and his place in modernist studies Reclining quietly with a book, an ear glued to the Hi-Fi, sifting a library stack, the TV flickering, a website gone live ... Few poets have inspired such remarkable scenes and modes of interpretation as Dylan Thomas. Our means of access and response to his work have never been more eclectic, and this collection sheds new light on what it means to 'read' such a various art. In thinking beyond the parameters of life writing and lingering interpretative communities, Reading Dylan Thomas attends in detail to the problems and pleasures of deciphering Thomas in the twenty-first century, teasing out his debts and effects, tracing his influence on later artists, and suggesting ways to understand his own idiosyncratic reading practices. From short stories to memoirs, poems to broadcasts, letters to films, manuscripts to paintings, the material considered in this volume lays the ground for a new consideration of Thomas's formal versatility, and his distinctive relation to literary modernism. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781474473170 (Sprache: Edward Allen is Lecturer at the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Christ's College. )

: Dylan Thomas in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
ISBN/EAN: readbill
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life (€ 90,00)
Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life offers an account of the poet's life, along with a critical reading of his work, that is designed to close what has been called 'the yawning gap' between Dylan Thomas's popular and critical reputations. ,
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: A Pocket Guide: Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne (€ 7,00)
This work describes the relationship between Thomas's life and work and the places that were most important to him. The arrival in Swansea of Thomas's father is dealt with and the places in which he grew up are highlighted. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780708316283 (Sprache: James Davies is senior lecturer at the University of Wales, Swansea. Over the last fifteen years he has published extensively on Dylan Thomas, most recently A reference Companion to Dylan Thomas with Greenwood. He is also author of Dylan Thomas's Places, and is an authority on literary Swansea. )

: Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne (€ 16,00)
Although Dylan Thomas died in 1953, his work has never been out of print and his notorious life continues to fascinate. To mark the centenary of Thomas's birth, Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne is being reprinted. This popular publication provides a detailed account of the relationship between Thomas's life, work and the three places that were most important to him. Illustrated throughout with photographs, this book takes the reader on a tour of the locations intimately connected with the poet, outlining the history and literary history of each area as well as Thomas's links with these places and his use of them in his work. The result is a unique literary guide for all those who are interested in Dylan Thomas and the places that shaped him, whether they are visitors to Swansea, Gower or Laugharne, or armchair travellers who would like to know more about the geographical and cultural associations of Thomas's writing. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781783160037 (Sprache: James A. Davies was formerly a senior member of the Department of English at Swansea University. He is the author of Dylan Thomas's Places (1987) and A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas (1998), and has also written books on John Forster, Charles Dickens and Leslie Norris. )

: A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas (€ 85,60)
Examines the life and career of Dylan Thomas and provides an extensive consideration of the critical reception of his works. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780313287749 (Sprache: James Davies was born in 1945 in Philadelphia. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1967 and entered graduate school at the University of Washington, only to have a mathematics professor interest him in the game of go. In 1970 he came to Japan, where his go playing has advanced to the amateur 6-dan level. Besides having been a regular contributor to the magazine Go World, he has written a number of books for Kiseido, among which are: 38 Basic Josekis Tesuji Attack and Defense He currently lives in Fukuoka, Japan. )

: Dylan Thomas (€ 10,00)
An authoritative introduction by a leading Dylan Thomas scholar to the nature, cultural background, achievement and critical reception of this major poet's work. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781783160587 (Sprache: Professor Walford Davies is a leading authority on Dylan Thomas. He is the author of Dylan Thomas (Open University Press), co-editor with Ralph Maud of the definitive editions of Thomas's Collected Poems 1934 - 1953 and Under Milk Wood (Dent), and editor of Selected Poems and Under Milk Wood for Penguin.)

: Under Milk Wood Revisited: The Wales of Dylan Thomas (€ 26,00)
This fascinating selection of never-before-seen photographs, including many originals from the film Under Milk Wood, traces some of the many ways in which the great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas was influenced by his country. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781445607559 (Sprache: Mark is a keen social historian and has photographed Bradford from the core out for several years, recording the changing history of this great northern city. Mark lives in Haworth, Bradford.)

: Dylan Remembered: Volume One 1914 - 1934 (€ 25,50)
This is the first of two volumes of transcribed interviews about the poet Dylan Thomas. Journalist, broadcaster, and author Colin Edwards interviewed numerous sources close to Thomas for a planned biography of the poet, but he was unable to begin work before his early death. The transcribed tapes have been edited into two collections, with the second due in 2004. Startling new information about Thomas's life and writing is disclosed, including influences on his writing and the sources from which he drew inspiration and storylines. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781854113481

: Dylan Thomas (€ 16,99)
Dylan Thomas: A Centenary Celebration is a unique collection of specially commissioned essays celebrating the poet's life and work one hundred years after his birth in 1914. Edited by his granddaughter, Hannah Ellis, who introduces each section by theme, the book is divided into three parts concerning Thomas's early years, later life and his lasting legacy. Highlights include essays from noted biographers Andrew Lycett and David N. Thomas, National Poet for Wales Gillian Clarke on Under Milk Wood, and poetry by Archbishop Emeritus Rowan Williams. The book also includes essays by poet Owen Sheers and BBC Radio 6 presenter Cerys Matthews, as well as numerous testimonies and poems from the likes of former President of the United States Jimmy Carter, Phillip Pullman and actor Michael Sheen. With a foreword by comedian and former Monty Python Terry Jones, Dylan Thomas: A Centenary Celebration is a rich and personal reflection on the lasting legacy of Britain's greatest poet. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781472903105 (Sprache: Hannah Ellis is the granddaughter of Dylan Thomas and lives in Northampton with her husband Paul, a university lecturer, son Charlie and cat Boris. She studied at Oxford Brookes University and worked for ten years as a primary school teacher. Hannah is president of the Dylan Thomas Society of Great Britain, patron of Dylan Thomas 100 and is currently working with the Welsh government on an initiative to bring Dylan Thomas's work to a wider audience, celebrating the richness of Welsh culture and teaching Dylan's work in a more creative way. )

: Dylan Thomas: The Biography (€ 26,50)
Details the life of the famous and popular Welsh character, Dylan Thomas. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780862439033 (Sprache: Paul Ferris was born in Swansea and worked briefly on the local newspaper where Dylan Thomas was a reporter twenty years earlier. Richard Burton, Sigmund Freud and Caitlin Thomas are among his other biographical subjects. He has also edited Dylan Thomas' Collected Letters and written many novels.)

: An Encounter with Dylan Thomas (€ 49,60)
Abadan, 1951. Iran and Britain are bracing for battle over the continued British monopoly of Iran's oil. Twenty-nine-year-old Ebrahim Golestan, who was to become a towering figure in Iranian cinema and literature, encounters Dylan Thomas, the famous Welsh poet, who died two years later at the age of thirty-nine from bronchial disease and pneumonia. More for his celebrity than an intimate knowledge of the subject, Thomas had been sent to Iran by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company to write a script for a propaganda film about the company's supposedly salutary role in the country. But for a few hours, Golestan and Thomas pause amidst the escalating standoff between their two countries and speak candidly about poetry, history, philosophy, and the perils of translation. Published here for the first time is the English translation (with facing pages in the original Persian) of Golestan's unflinching portrayal of that encounter, revealing, all too clearly, how unsuited Thomas was for the task in hand.Accompanying the translation is an account of Thomas's time in Iran, written by Abbas Milani, Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University, together with Alina Utrata, a Ph.D. candidate and Gates Cambridge scholar. Based on the poet's letters, journals, and archival material in England and Wales, it helps to shed further light on an episode long shrouded in mystery and plagued by controversy. Publication of this book coincides with the hundredth birthday in October 2022 of Ebrahim Golestan. To mark the occasion, Professor Milani has included a personal and erudite introductory essay on Golestan's life and work, examining his pioneering approach to film and his important contribution to Iranian literature, despite living in exile for most of his adult life. With a filmography and selected bibliography of the works by or about Golestan, this multifaceted volume offers not only a striking commentary on Iranian arts, politics, and history, set against the tense backdrop of the impending geopolitical clash between Britain and Iran, but also a commemoration of the work of one of the most eminent and influential representatives of Iranian culture in modern times. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781949445411

: The Poetry of Dylan Thomas: Under the Spelling Wall (€ 61,00)
An important reappraisal of the poetry of Dylan Thomas in terms of modern critical theory. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781781381151 (Sprache: John Goodby is Professor of English at Swansea University. He is editing a special centenary edition of the Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas (Dent / New Directions, 2014) )

: The Poetry of Personality (€ 54,20)
Even lovers of Dylan Thomas's poems are often puzzled by his habits of language, which sometimes take the form of unusual diction and unique perceptions. This study, on the hundredth anniversary of his birth, is a must-read for both Thomas's fans and newcomers interested in an introduction to his works and the unique sensibility that created them. Chapters are devoted to his poetic perspectives, ranging from the microscopic to the cosmic, his unusual perceptions of the world, which some critics have described as those of an almost altered reality, his diction, or working vocabulary, his penchant for refurbishing clichés, his hilarious sense of humor and linguistic playfulness, his development as a poet, and his concern for sound, often resulting in a lofty, at times Biblical, though secular, tone. In summary, the study fully explores the heart and mind behind the poems, and shows why his work will always remain in the top rank of English poetry. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781498508889 (Sprache: William Greenway is Professor of Philosophical Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is the author of A Reasonable Belief: Why God and Faith Make Sense (2015), For the Love of All Creatures: The Story of Grace in Genesis (2015), The Challenge of Evil: Grace and the Problem of Suffering (2016), and Agape Ethics: Moral Realism and Love for All Life (Cascade, 2016). )

: Pamela Hansford Johnson. Her Life, Work and Times. (€ 48,00)
This first biography of Pamela Hansford Johnson (1912-1981) has been written with the full co-operation of her three children, who allowed Wendy Pollard access to previously unexamined diaries, letters and much other material, illuminating their mother's eventful and often entertaining life. Pamela Hansford Johnson's achievements were all the more,
ISBN/EAN: 9780856832987 (Sprache: After a number of administrative jobs, Wendy Pollard worked for five years as editorial assistant on the Newsdesk of Independent Television News. While her family was growing up, she studied with the Open University, gaining a first-class honours degree. She was awarded a PhD in 2000 by the English Faculty of the University of Cambridge, for a dissertation on the literary reception of the works of Rosamond Lehmann, which was later published as Rosamond Lehmann and Her Critics: The Vagaries of Literary Reception (Ashgate, 2004).)

: Llareggub Revisited: Dylan Thomas and the State of Modern Poetry (€ 21,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014922472 (Sprache: David Holbrook is Emeritus Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge. )

: Dylan Thomas. The Code of Night. (€ 151,99)
Mr Holbrook here offers a new interpretation of Dylan Thomas which seeks, by uncovering the roots of his predicament as man and artist, to show what is of lasting value in his achievement. This undertaking involves the consideration of some profound questions of human personality and of human creativity and its denial. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781472514639 (Sprache: David Holbrook is Emeritus Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge. )

: The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas (€ 12,50)
In The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, journalist Hilly Janes explores the poet's life and extraordinary legacy through the eyes of her father, the artist Alfred Janes. A member of Thomas's inner circle, he painted the poet at three key moments: in 1934, 1953 and, posthumously in 1964, portraits which are at the heart of Janes' work. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781912109814

: Dylan Thomas (€ 33,60)
Since the Bible appears so frequently in Dylan Thomas' work, some critics have decided that he must be a religious poet. Others, noting blasphemous statements and certain irreligious aspects of Thomas' personal life, contend that he was no such thing. Rushworth M. Kidder, investigating this problem, looks below the surface of the obviously religious imagery and discovers a more profound poetry. The first part of this book discusses the nature of religious poetry and the application of that term to Thomas' work, it then develops the necessary background based on his letters and prose comments to provide a foundation for the study, and finally it examines the relationship between the religious aspects of his poetry and his well-known ambiguity. The author re-defines the vocabulary for dealing with religious imagery by establishing three distinct categories of imagery: referential, allusive, and thematic. This original technique is used to examine critically Thomas' poems to show the development of his religious and poetic thought. There are numerous close, sensitive readings of individual poems to show how his poetry, like the Bible, teaches by parable, speaking deliberate ambiguity rather than simple dogma. This strategy inspired poetry that is technically complex but thematically simple, a mode of verse that became more explicitly religious in the poet's final years. Originally published in 1973. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780691619033

: The Religious Sonnets of Dylan Thomas (€ 38,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780520308800

: Das Wales des Dylan Thomas (€ 18,00)
Ich bin ein Waliser. Ich bin ein Trinker. Ich bin ein Menschenfreund. Der walisische Dichter und Essayist Dylan Thomas (1914 - 1953) blieb Zeit seines Lebens mit der walisischen Landschaft verbunden. In seinem Geburtsort Swansea, einer Hafenstadt an der walisischen Südküste, wurde schon früh seine Fantasie beflügelt. Er strich durch den imaginierten Dschungel im Park gegenüber dem Elternhaus und schrieb schon als Jugendlicher Gedichte und Erzählungen. Zunächst als Reporter und als Laienschauspieler tätig, entwickelte er sich bald zu einer ganz eigenständigen Stimme in der englischsprachigen Lyrik. Sein Vokalstück Unter dem Milchwald wurde zu einem Welterfolg. Mit seiner Frau Caitlin und ihren drei Kindern zog der Dichter weiter nach Westen in das Hafendorf Laugharne. Dort bewohnten sie das Boathouse , von dem aus sie einen weiten Blick über die Mündung des Flusses Taf hatten, eine weitläufige Wasserlandschaft, die innerhalb von Minuten ihr Gesicht ändern kann. Eine ehemalige Garage, von ihm The Shack genannt, diente ihm als Schreibwerkstatt. Meist ging er dann hinüber zu Brown's Hotel, um zu trinken und den kolossalen Lügnern an der Theke zu lauschen. Sein Alkoholismus trug vermutlich auch zu seinem frühen Tod bei. Auf einer Lesereise nach Amerika starb Dylan Thomas im Alter von nur 39 Jahren. Eine große Waliser Stimme war erloschen. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9783948114138 (Sprache: Franz-Josef Krücker studierte Anglistik und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Köln. Er war einige Jahre als Chef vom Dienst einer China-Zeitschrift tätig und betrieb 25 Jahre den Wissenschaftsverlag edition global . Seit 1989 ist er zudem freiberuflicher Autor, Übersetzer und Lektor und realisierte seither mehr als dreißig Reisebücher und Werke zur Zeitgeschichte, meist über Asien oder die Britischen Inseln. Dafür lebte und arbeitete er in Yorkshire, Hongkong und Manila. Heute widmet er sich der Erforschung literarischer Orte. )

: Dylan Thomas (€ 18,18)
The renowned literary biographer offers a thoroughly well-written chronicle of the legendary Welsh poet's life that is rich in anecdote (The New Yorker). Dylan Thomas is as legendary for his raucous life as for his literary genius. The author of the immortal poems Death Shall Have No Dominion, Before I Knocked, and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, as well as the short story A Christmas in Wales, and the play for voices Under Milk Wood, published his first book, 18 Poems, in 1934, when he was only twenty years old. When he died in New York in 1953, at age thirty-nine, the myths took hold: he became the Keats and the Byron of his generation-the romantic poet who died too young, his potential unfulfilled. Making masterful use of original material from archives and personal papers, Andrew Lycett describes the development of the young poet, brings valuable new insights to Thomas's poetry, and unearths fascinating details about the poet's many affairs and his tempestuous marriage to his passionate Irish wife, Caitlin. The result is a poignant yet stirring portrait of the chaos of Thomas's personal life and a welcome re-evaluation of the lyricism and experimentalism of his literary legacy. This is the best biography of the poet I have ever read. -Robert Nye, The Scotsman ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781468304077 (Sprache: Andrew Lycett received a history degreefrom Oxford. His previous acclaimed biographiesinclude lives of Ian Fleming and Rudyard Kipling.He lives in London. )

: Wales. Kultur und Geschichte
ISBN/EAN: 9783150193686 (Sprache: deutsch)

: Sound and sense in Dylan Thomas's poetry (€ 109,95)
ISBN/EAN: 9783111037462

: The Prose Writing of Dylan Thomas (€ 52,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9781349094059

: Dylan Thomas' Early Prose: A Study in Creative Mythology (€ 56,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780822952152

: Dylan Thomas: From Fern Hill to Milk Wood (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781800992221

: Siciliano on came to my rescue (€ 11,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781495078576

: Studies of Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath and Robert Lowell (€ 52,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9781349049646

: My Father's Places: A Memoir by Dylan Thomas's Daughter (€ 20,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781616081010 (Sprache: englisch)
a moving memoir, beautifully drawn.--The Sunday Times

: My Life With Dylan Thomas (€ 12,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781844085187 (Sprache: englisch)
This is an extraordinary memoir of a life dedicated to drink and Dylan Thomas Will coincide with a major new film, THE EDGE OF LOVE, starring Keira Knightley, Sienna Miller and Matthew Rhys Drink swills through the book and so does Dylan. Fatally arrogant, fatally naive, bold and unruly, the Two Terrible Children...derided... the pale orthodox world of despised moderation SCOTSMAN Compelling, if painful, reading MAIL ON SUNDAY Exhilaratingly uncomplacent ... The insight she gives into the poet is remarkable GUARDIAN

: Leftover Life to Kill (x)
ISBN/EAN: Leftover Life to Kill (Sprache: englisch)
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: Double Drink Story: My Life with Dylan Thomas (Sprache: englisch)
Double Drink Story My Life with Dylan Thomas
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter
ISBN/EAN: Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter (Sprache: englisch)
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas.
ISBN/EAN: Caitlin Life with Dylan Thomas (Sprache: englisch)
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: The Dylan Thomas Trail (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780862436094 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Remembered (€ 16,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854113634 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas: A Farm, Two Mansions and a Bungalow (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854112750 (Sprache: englisch)

: Fatal Neglect: Who Killed Dylan Thomas? (€ 19,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854114808 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas and the Edge of Love: the Real Story (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas: Everyman Poetry (€ 6,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780460878319 (Sprache: englisch)

: Eight Stories (New Directions Bibelot) (€ 7,49)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811223881 (Sprache: englisch)

: A Child's Christmas in Wales (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781444015430 (Sprache: englisch)

: Weihnachten in meiner Kindheit (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783458179634 (Sprache: deutsch)
Der große walisische Poet Dylan Thomas erinnert sich an die herrlichen Weihnachten seiner Kindheit, damals, als die Welt noch magisch war, die Familie gemütlich beisammen saß und er mit seinen Freunden Dan und Jack durch schneeverwehte Straßen Schneebälle warf. Er erzählt von Wackelpudding und Knallbonbons und Mistelzweigen - und davon, dass Weihnachten in der Kindheit immer ein ganz besonderer Zauber innewohnt. Dylan Thomas' Weihnachtsklassiker in wunderbarer neuer Übersetzung von Eike Schönfeld, kongenial illustriert von Peter Bailey.

: Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227276 (Sprache: englisch)

: Selected Poems (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227290 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227252 (Sprache: englisch)

: Under Milk Wood (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227245 (Sprache: englisch)

: A Dylan Thomas Treasury (€ 12,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227269 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas Omnibus (€ 13,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227283 (Sprache: englisch)

: Under Milk Wood (€ 13,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780563388609 (Sprache: englisch)

: Collected Stories (€ 14,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227306 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Doctor and the Devils: And Other Scripts (€ 14,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202060 (Sprache: englisch)

: A Child's Christmas in Wales: Gift Edition (€ 16,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780823438709 (Sprache: englisch)

: Quite Early One Morning: Stories (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202084 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Loud Hill of Wales: Poetry of Place (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780460870764 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Collected Stories (€ 17,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811220453 (Sprache: englisch)

: A Pearl of Great Price: The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas to Pearl Kazin (€ 18,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781909844681 (Sprache: englisch)

: Adventures in the Skin Trade (€ 18,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202022 (Sprache: englisch)

: On the Air with Dylan Thomas: The Broadcasts (€ 18,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811212090 (Sprache: englisch)

: Rebecca's Daughters (€ 18,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811208840 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Essential Dylan Thomas (€ 19,99)
ISBN/EAN: The Essential Dylan Thomas (Sprache: englisch)
Titel ist nur antiquarisch erhältlich.

: Collected Poems: Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227238 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227238 (Sprache: englisch)

: Cerys Matthews' Under Milk Wood (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474622509 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters Volume 1 (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474607995 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters Volume 2 (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474608008 (Sprache: englisch)

: Windabgeworfenes Licht (€ 25,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783446272217 (Sprache: englisch)
Bislang gab es nur eine schmale Auswahl aus dem dichterischen Werk des genialen walisischen Rimbaud. Mit dieser Ausgabe wird zum ersten Mal das ganze Panorama der ungestümen Begabung von Dylan Thomas sichtbar: die Mythologie seines Selbst und der Landschaft, deren Märchen und Mythen der Stoff seiner Gedichte sind. Klaus Martens setzt den Grundton für eine übersetzerische Vielstimmigkeit, die überraschend viele neue Töne zur Sprache bringt.

: Unterm Milchwald (€ 27,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783446274150 (Sprache: deutsch)
Von diesem grandiosen Klassiker des Wortweltmeisters Dylan Thomas waren sie alle begeistert- die Stones, die Beatles, Anthony Hopkins, Richard Burton, Igor Strawinsky - und ich auch! Elke Heidenreich Das legendäre Werk des walisischen Dichters Dylan Thomas in einer neuen, funkelnden Übersetzung von Jan Wagner, der ,Unterm Milchwald' als das schönste Stück Literatur bezeichnet, das jemals über den Äther lief . Der Morgen beginnt in dem kleinen Fischerdorf Llareggub an der walisischen Küste. Wir folgen den Bewohnern in ihre Träume, wir sitzen in den Stuben, hören die Gespräche in einer Schenke, lugen in die Brautkammern unverheirateter Mädchen, erfahren von den Wünschen des blinden Kapitäns Cat und folgen insbesondere den heimlichen Liebespaaren hinauf in den Milchwald. Eine einzigartige Prosa mit Blutdruck , die von Bildern, Lautmalereien, Wortspielen schier zu bersten scheint.

: Dylan Thomas: The Caedmon CD Collection (€ 34,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780060790837 (Sprache: englisch)

: The Poems of Dylan Thomas (€ 43,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811221146 (Sprache: englisch)

: A Reader's Guide to Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780815604013 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas, dog Among the Fairies. (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014271211 (Sprache: englisch)

: Once Below a Time: Dylan Thomas, Julia Kristeva, and Other Speaking Subjects (€ 35,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780791445600 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas. Portrait of a Friend (€ 20,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780862437800 (Sprache: englisch)

: Vernon Watkins on Dylan Thomas and Other Poets and Poetry (€ 15,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781909844056 (Sprache: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas and the Writing Shed (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781938853982 (Sprache: englisch)

: Wales in His Arms (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780708312483 (Sprache: englisch)

: Study Guide to the Major Poems by Dylan Thomas (€ 10,90)
ISBN/EAN: 9781645424581 (Sprache: englisch)

: Sound and Meaning in Dylan Thomas's Poetry (€ 29,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014249067 (Sprache: englisch)

: The World of Dylan Thomas (€ 33,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014260659 (Sprache: englisch)

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