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Recommended reading with works by and about Bookshop

: Morgenland. (2015)
Heyne ,
ISBN/EAN: 9783453419902 (Language: deutsch)
Stephan Abarbanell, born in Braunschweig in 1957, grew up in Hamburg. He studied Protestant theology and general rhetoric in Hamburg, Tübingen and Berkeley and was head of culture at rbb for over twenty years. His novel debut, Morgenland, was published by Blessing in 2015, followed by Das Licht jener Tage in 2019. Stephan Abarbanell lives with his wife, the translator Bettina Abarbanell, in Potsdam-Babelsberg.
Plays partly in the Föhrenwald camp for displaced persons.Palestine 1946: Lilya Wasserfall is active in the resistance against the British Mandate and hopes to be used in the next big sabotage operation. But she is given a completely different assignment: in destroyed Germany she is to search for the scientist Raphael Lind, who, according to the British, was murdered in a concentration camp, but whose brother in Jerusalem has evidence that he is still alive. An adventurous journey begins for Lilya, and she soon realises that not only the British secret service is hot on her heels, but also a mysterious pursuer who wants to prevent her from finding Raphael Lind by all means.

: Dylan Thomas (€ 62,99)
`That brilliant commentator on Dylan, John Ackerman' - Andrew Sinclair, Dylan Thomas: Poet of his People John Ackerman's highly acclaimed study of the poems and prose works of Dylan Thomas traces his development as a writer, linking this for the first time with his Welsh background. The formative influence of Swansea on the young poet, his family roots in West Wales and the childhood visits to Fernhill farm and the nearby Blaen Cwm cottage are all included, together with the Boat House anhd Laugharne, the absorbing village life and the inspiration of its now famous land- and sea-scapes. The impact of Welsh nonconformity and the chapel, and the radical politics of Wales are also explored as important influences on the poet's career. The 1994 preface, together with the introduction, throws new light on later poems like 'Prologue', the poet's work in film, broadcasting, as reader and as lecturer, while his own newly-discovered words, sharp and witty and with a poet's eye highlight his life, times and craft. The kaleidoscope of his changing worlds is seen in his homes in Wales and England, and his need in each one for a separate place to write, whether the hillside shed in Laugharne or a gypsy caravan in Oxfordshire or Camden,
ISBN/EAN: 9781349243662

: A Dylan Thomas Companion (€ 80,24)
Opening with Thomas's life, the book offers vignettes of Swansea in the 1920s and 1930s, pre- and post-war Laugharne and rural West Wales, wartime London and New York City in the early 1950s, seen through the poet's eyes. Thomas's political views are focused on, as well as his social attitudes. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780333607039

: Dylan Thomas: His Life and Work (€ 86,00)
`That brilliant commentator on Dylan, John Ackerman' - Andrew Sinclair, Dylan Thomas: Poet of his People John Ackerman's highly acclaimed study of the poems and prose works of Dylan Thomas traces his development as a writer, linking this for the first time with his Welsh background. The formative influence of Swansea on the young poet, his family roots in West Wales and the childhood visits to Fernhill farm and the nearby Blaen Cwm cottage are all included, together with the Boat House anhd Laugharne, the absorbing village life and the inspiration of its now famous land- and sea-scapes. The impact of Welsh nonconformity and the chapel, and the radical politics of Wales are also explored as important influences on the poet's career. The 1994 preface, together with the introduction, throws new light on later poems like 'Prologue', the poet's work in film, broadcasting, as reader and as lecturer, while his own newly-discovered words, sharp and witty and with a poet's eye highlight his life, times and craft. The kaleidoscope of his changing worlds is seen in his homes in Wales and England, and his need in each one for a separate place to write, whether the hillside shed in Laugharne or a gypsy caravan in Oxfordshire or Camden. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780333634042

: Als Fremder in Deutschland. Berichte, Erzählungen, Gedichte von Ausländern. (1982)
ISBN/EAN: 3423017708 (Language: deutsch)
Title is available antiquarian only.

: London. Die Biographie. (2000)
ISBN/EAN: 9783813502909 (Language: deutsch)

: London: The Biography. (2000)
Random House UK,
ISBN/EAN: 9780099422587 (Language: englisch)

: Die Schutzflehenden.
ISBN/EAN: 9783843050968 (Language: deutsch)

: Reading Dylan Thomas (€ 33,00)
A collection of essays on Dylan Thomas, reading culture and his place in modernist studies Reclining quietly with a book, an ear glued to the Hi-Fi, sifting a library stack, the TV flickering, a website gone live ... Few poets have inspired such remarkable scenes and modes of interpretation as Dylan Thomas. Our means of access and response to his work have never been more eclectic, and this collection sheds new light on what it means to 'read' such a various art. In thinking beyond the parameters of life writing and lingering interpretative communities, Reading Dylan Thomas attends in detail to the problems and pleasures of deciphering Thomas in the twenty-first century, teasing out his debts and effects, tracing his influence on later artists, and suggesting ways to understand his own idiosyncratic reading practices. From short stories to memoirs, poems to broadcasts, letters to films, manuscripts to paintings, the material considered in this volume lays the ground for a new consideration of Thomas's formal versatility, and his distinctive relation to literary modernism. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781474473170 (Language: Edward Allen is Lecturer at the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Christ's College. )

: Wirtschaftsraum Europa. Vom Ende der Nationalökonomien. (1996)
S. Fischer,
ISBN/EAN: 9783596601486 (Language: deutsch)
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Illegal. (2017)
ISBN/EAN: 9783499291388 (Language: deutsch)

: We Refugees. In: Robinson, Marc (Hg.): Altogether Elsewhere: Writers on Exile, S.110 - 119 (1943)
Faber & Faber,
ISBN/EAN: 9780571198290 (Language: englisch)
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Wir Flüchtlinge. (1943)
ISBN/EAN: 9783150193983 (Language: deutsch)

: Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft. (1951)
ISBN/EAN: 9783492210324 (Language: deutsch)

: Bertolt Brecht. In: Menschen in finsteren Zeiten. S. 237-283. (1968)
ISBN/EAN: 9783492274913 (Language: deutsch)

: Der europäische Traum. Vier Lehren aus der Geschichte. (2018)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 9783406733802 (Language: deutsch)

: Einwanderungsland Deutschland (1992)
ISBN/EAN: 9783889773111 (Language: deutsch)

: Kurze Geschichte der Migration. (2015)
ISBN/EAN: 9783803127433 (Language: deutsch)

: Planet und Mensch. Bevölkerungswachstum im 21. Jahrhundert. (2017)
ISBN/EAN: 9783803127822 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa in Bewegung Migration vom späten 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. (2000)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 3406489672 (Language: deutsch)

: Migration - Flucht - Integration. Kritische Politikbegleitung von der ,Gastarbeiterfrage' bis zur ,Flüchtlingskrise'. Erinnerungen und Beiträge. (2017)
Loeper Angelika Von,
ISBN/EAN: 9783860593509 (Language: deutsch)

: Normalfall Migration. Deutschland im 20. und frühen 21. Jahrhundert. (2004)
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Zeitbilder, Bd. 15, (Language: deutsch)

: Faktencheck Flüchtlingskrise. Was kommt auf Deutschland noch zu? (2015)
Edition Berolina,
ISBN/EAN: 9783958415201 (Language: deutsch)

: Aliyahs Flucht oder Die gefährliche Reise in ein neues Leben. (2014)
ISBN/EAN: 9783596195572 (Language: deutsch)

: Über das Meer. Mit Syrern auf der Flucht nach Europa. (2014)
ISBN/EAN: 9783518067246 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa. Ein historisches Lesebuch. (1999)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 3406440266 (Language: deutsch)

: Hannah Arendt und die erlösende Kraft des Erzählens. In: Diner, Dan (Hg.): Zivilisationsbruch. Denken nach Auschwitz. (1988)
ISBN/EAN: 359624398X (Language: deutsch)

: Die souveräne Leserin. (2007)
ISBN/EAN: 9783803112545 (Language: deutsch)

: The sovereign reader (2007)
Profile Books,
ISBN/EAN: 9781846681332 (Language: englisch)

: Deutsche Kriegsgefangene im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Erinnerungen. Erinnerungen von Heinz Pust, Hans Jonitz, Kurt Glaser und August Ringel. (1995)
ISBN/EAN: 9783596119189 (Language: deutsch)

: Kriegsgefangenschaft. Berichte über das Leben in Gefangenenlagern der Alliierten. (1995)
ISBN/EAN: 3596119189 (Language: deutsch)

: Bertolt Brecht. (1998)
Sammlung Metzler,
ISBN/EAN: 9783476103109 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa im Wort. Eine literarische Seismographie in sechzehn Aufzeichnungen. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9783943137477 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
ISBN/EAN: readbill
Title is available antiquarian only.

: So nicht, Europa! Die drei großen Fehler der EU. (2010)
ISBN/EAN: 9783423248334 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Kunst der Lektüre. Wie und warum wir lesen sollten. (2000)
ISBN/EAN: 9783570003343 (Language: deutsch)

: Jetzt bin ich hier. (2015)
Zsolt Majsai,
ISBN/EAN: 9783944343945 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Europäische Union Geschichte, Struktur, Politik (1995)
B.-I. Taschenbuchverlag,
ISBN/EAN: 3411102810 (Language: deutsch)

: Draußen vor der Tür und ausgewählte Erzählungen. (1947)
ISBN/EAN: 9783499101700 (Language: deutsch)

: Allein mit meinem Schatten und dem Mond. ebook Ausgabe (1996)
ISBN/EAN: 9783499139833 (Language: deutsch)

: Draußen vor der Tür. Erläuterungen und Dokumente. (1996)
ISBN/EAN: 9783150160046 (Language: deutsch)

: Die traurigen Geranien. Und andere Geschichten aus dem Nachlaß. (1997)
ISBN/EAN: 9783499109751 (Language: deutsch)

: Das Gesamtwerk Gebunden (2007)
ISBN/EAN: 9783498006525 (Language: deutsch)

: Das Gesamtwerk Taschenbuch (2009)
ISBN/EAN: 9783499249808 (Language: deutsch)

: Das Gesamtwerk epub (2013)
ISBN/EAN: 9783644030411 (Language: deutsch)

: Alle Werke, alle Schriften ebook Ausgabe (2018)
ISBN/EAN: 9783963611889 (Language: deutsch)

: Draußen vor der Tür. Audio-CD, Laufzeit: 83 Minuten.
Der Hoerverlag DHV,
ISBN/EAN: 9783899406412 (Language: deutsch)

: Jetzt ist unser Gesang der Jazz. Ausgewählte Kurzgeschichten von Wolfgang Borchert. Laufzeit ca. 185 Minuten. MP3 Hörbuch Download
hoerbuchedition words and music,
ISBN/EAN: 4057664211002 (Language: deutsch)

: Schischyphuschoder Der Kellner meines Onkels. Laufzeit ca. 30 Minuten. MP3 Hörbuch Download (Language: deutsch)

: Die Gedichte.
ISBN/EAN: 9783518411513 (Language: deutsch)

: Flüchtlingsgespräche.
ISBN/EAN: 9783518396292 (Language: deutsch)

: Der Reisebericht. Die Entwicklung einer Gattung in der deutschen Literatur.
ISBN/EAN: 3518385976 (Language: deutsch)

: Als Reisen eine Kunst war. Vom Beginn des modernen Tourismus: die Grand Tour.
ISBN/EAN: 9783803122759 (Language: deutsch)

: Nach Amerika. Die Geschichte der deutschen Auswanderung.
ISBN/EAN: 9783406711497 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Flucht der Briten aus der Europäischen Utopie. (2018)
ISBN/EAN: 9783498006884 (Language: deutsch)

: Am Fuße der Festung. Begegnungen vor Europas Grenze.
ISBN/EAN: 9783896570772 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life (€ 90,00)
Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life offers an account of the poet's life, along with a critical reading of his work, that is designed to close what has been called 'the yawning gap' between Dylan Thomas's popular and critical reputations. ,
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Der zweite Weltkrieg. Mit einem Epilog über die Nachkriegsjahre.
ISBN/EAN: 9783596161133 (Language: deutsch)

: A Journal of the Plague Year Being Observations or Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurences, as Well Public as Private, Which Happened in London During the Last Great Visitation in 1665.
ISBN/EAN: 9780140437850 (Language: englisch)

: Die Abstammung des Menschen und die geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. (1875)
ISBN/EAN: 9783150188699 (Language: deutsch)

: The Art of Fiction.
ISBN/EAN: 9780099554240 (Language: englisch)

: A Pocket Guide: Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne (€ 7,00)
This work describes the relationship between Thomas's life and work and the places that were most important to him. The arrival in Swansea of Thomas's father is dealt with and the places in which he grew up are highlighted. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780708316283 (Language: James Davies is senior lecturer at the University of Wales, Swansea. Over the last fifteen years he has published extensively on Dylan Thomas, most recently A reference Companion to Dylan Thomas with Greenwood. He is also author of Dylan Thomas's Places, and is an authority on literary Swansea. )

: Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne (€ 16,00)
Although Dylan Thomas died in 1953, his work has never been out of print and his notorious life continues to fascinate. To mark the centenary of Thomas's birth, Dylan Thomas's Swansea, Gower and Laugharne is being reprinted. This popular publication provides a detailed account of the relationship between Thomas's life, work and the three places that were most important to him. Illustrated throughout with photographs, this book takes the reader on a tour of the locations intimately connected with the poet, outlining the history and literary history of each area as well as Thomas's links with these places and his use of them in his work. The result is a unique literary guide for all those who are interested in Dylan Thomas and the places that shaped him, whether they are visitors to Swansea, Gower or Laugharne, or armchair travellers who would like to know more about the geographical and cultural associations of Thomas's writing. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781783160037 (Language: James A. Davies was formerly a senior member of the Department of English at Swansea University. He is the author of Dylan Thomas's Places (1987) and A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas (1998), and has also written books on John Forster, Charles Dickens and Leslie Norris. )

: A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas (€ 85,60)
Examines the life and career of Dylan Thomas and provides an extensive consideration of the critical reception of his works. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780313287749 (Language: James Davies was born in 1945 in Philadelphia. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1967 and entered graduate school at the University of Washington, only to have a mathematics professor interest him in the game of go. In 1970 he came to Japan, where his go playing has advanced to the amateur 6-dan level. Besides having been a regular contributor to the magazine Go World, he has written a number of books for Kiseido, among which are: 38 Basic Josekis Tesuji Attack and Defense He currently lives in Fukuoka, Japan. )

: Dylan Thomas (€ 10,00)
An authoritative introduction by a leading Dylan Thomas scholar to the nature, cultural background, achievement and critical reception of this major poet's work. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781783160587 (Language: Professor Walford Davies is a leading authority on Dylan Thomas. He is the author of Dylan Thomas (Open University Press), co-editor with Ralph Maud of the definitive editions of Thomas's Collected Poems 1934 - 1953 and Under Milk Wood (Dent), and editor of Selected Poems and Under Milk Wood for Penguin.)

: Under Milk Wood Revisited: The Wales of Dylan Thomas (€ 26,00)
This fascinating selection of never-before-seen photographs, including many originals from the film Under Milk Wood, traces some of the many ways in which the great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas was influenced by his country. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781445607559 (Language: Mark is a keen social historian and has photographed Bradford from the core out for several years, recording the changing history of this great northern city. Mark lives in Haworth, Bradford.)

: The Way Through the Woods.
ISBN/EAN: 9781447299257 (Language: englisch)

: David Copperfield.
ISBN/EAN: 9783458321682 (Language: deutsch)

: Sämtliche Gedichte. Zweisprachig. Mit zwei Lesebändchen.
ISBN/EAN: 9783446247307 (Language: deutsch)

: The Poetry of Emily Dickinson.
ISBN/EAN: 9781788884563 (Language: englisch)

: Berlin Alexanderplatz Die Geschichte vom Franz Biberkopf. (1929)
S. Fischer,
ISBN/EAN: 9783596521494 (Language: deutsch)

: Refugees worldwide. Literarische Reportagen.
ISBN/EAN: 9783803127839 (Language: deutsch)

: deutsch, nicht dumpf Ein Leitfaden für aufgeklärte Patrioten.
ISBN/EAN: 9783570553978 (Language: deutsch)

: Literatur lesen. Eine Einladung.
ISBN/EAN: 9783150109670 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Remembered: Volume One 1914 - 1934 (€ 25,50)
This is the first of two volumes of transcribed interviews about the poet Dylan Thomas. Journalist, broadcaster, and author Colin Edwards interviewed numerous sources close to Thomas for a planned biography of the poet, but he was unable to begin work before his early death. The transcribed tapes have been edited into two collections, with the second due in 2004. Startling new information about Thomas's life and writing is disclosed, including influences on his writing and the sources from which he drew inspiration and storylines. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781854113481

: England, glorious England Annährung an eigenwillige Verwandte (2009)
ISBN/EAN: 9783861535478 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas (€ 16,99)
Dylan Thomas: A Centenary Celebration is a unique collection of specially commissioned essays celebrating the poet's life and work one hundred years after his birth in 1914. Edited by his granddaughter, Hannah Ellis, who introduces each section by theme, the book is divided into three parts concerning Thomas's early years, later life and his lasting legacy. Highlights include essays from noted biographers Andrew Lycett and David N. Thomas, National Poet for Wales Gillian Clarke on Under Milk Wood, and poetry by Archbishop Emeritus Rowan Williams. The book also includes essays by poet Owen Sheers and BBC Radio 6 presenter Cerys Matthews, as well as numerous testimonies and poems from the likes of former President of the United States Jimmy Carter, Phillip Pullman and actor Michael Sheen. With a foreword by comedian and former Monty Python Terry Jones, Dylan Thomas: A Centenary Celebration is a rich and personal reflection on the lasting legacy of Britain's greatest poet. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781472903105 (Language: Hannah Ellis is the granddaughter of Dylan Thomas and lives in Northampton with her husband Paul, a university lecturer, son Charlie and cat Boris. She studied at Oxford Brookes University and worked for ten years as a primary school teacher. Hannah is president of the Dylan Thomas Society of Great Britain, patron of Dylan Thomas 100 and is currently working with the Welsh government on an initiative to bring Dylan Thomas's work to a wider audience, celebrating the richness of Welsh culture and teaching Dylan's work in a more creative way. )

: Großer historischer Weltatlas, Dritter Teil - Neuzeit.
ISBN/EAN: 9783762760214 (Language: deutsch)

: Gehen, ging, gegangen.
ISBN/EAN: 9783328101185 (Language: deutsch)

: Hottentottenwerft.
ISBN/EAN: 9783990270622 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas: The Biography (€ 26,50)
Details the life of the famous and popular Welsh character, Dylan Thomas. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780862439033 (Language: Paul Ferris was born in Swansea and worked briefly on the local newspaper where Dylan Thomas was a reporter twenty years earlier. Richard Burton, Sigmund Freud and Caitlin Thomas are among his other biographical subjects. He has also edited Dylan Thomas' Collected Letters and written many novels.)

: So sorry. Ein Brite erklärt sein komisches Land. (2018)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 9783406721076 (Language: deutsch)

: Watching the English. The Hidden Rules of English Behavour. (2014)
ISBN/EAN: 9781444785203 (Language: englisch)

: Lagerfeuer.
ISBN/EAN: 9783596179527 (Language: deutsch)

: Auf der Flucht Reportagen von beiden Seiten des Mittelmeers.
ISBN/EAN: 9783218009898 (Language: deutsch)

: An Encounter with Dylan Thomas (€ 49,60)
Abadan, 1951. Iran and Britain are bracing for battle over the continued British monopoly of Iran's oil. Twenty-nine-year-old Ebrahim Golestan, who was to become a towering figure in Iranian cinema and literature, encounters Dylan Thomas, the famous Welsh poet, who died two years later at the age of thirty-nine from bronchial disease and pneumonia. More for his celebrity than an intimate knowledge of the subject, Thomas had been sent to Iran by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company to write a script for a propaganda film about the company's supposedly salutary role in the country. But for a few hours, Golestan and Thomas pause amidst the escalating standoff between their two countries and speak candidly about poetry, history, philosophy, and the perils of translation. Published here for the first time is the English translation (with facing pages in the original Persian) of Golestan's unflinching portrayal of that encounter, revealing, all too clearly, how unsuited Thomas was for the task in hand.Accompanying the translation is an account of Thomas's time in Iran, written by Abbas Milani, Director of the Iranian Studies Program at Stanford University, together with Alina Utrata, a Ph.D. candidate and Gates Cambridge scholar. Based on the poet's letters, journals, and archival material in England and Wales, it helps to shed further light on an episode long shrouded in mystery and plagued by controversy. Publication of this book coincides with the hundredth birthday in October 2022 of Ebrahim Golestan. To mark the occasion, Professor Milani has included a personal and erudite introductory essay on Golestan's life and work, examining his pioneering approach to film and his important contribution to Iranian literature, despite living in exile for most of his adult life. With a filmography and selected bibliography of the works by or about Golestan, this multifaceted volume offers not only a striking commentary on Iranian arts, politics, and history, set against the tense backdrop of the impending geopolitical clash between Britain and Iran, but also a commemoration of the work of one of the most eminent and influential representatives of Iranian culture in modern times. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781949445411

: The Poetry of Dylan Thomas: Under the Spelling Wall (€ 61,00)
An important reappraisal of the poetry of Dylan Thomas in terms of modern critical theory. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781781381151 (Language: John Goodby is Professor of English at Swansea University. He is editing a special centenary edition of the Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas (Dent / New Directions, 2014) )

: Im Krebsgang.
ISBN/EAN: 9783423131766 (Language: deutsch)

: Wunderbare Besitztümer. Die Erfindung des Fremden: Reisende und Entdecker.
ISBN/EAN: 9783803122964 (Language: deutsch)

: The Poetry of Personality (€ 54,20)
Even lovers of Dylan Thomas's poems are often puzzled by his habits of language, which sometimes take the form of unusual diction and unique perceptions. This study, on the hundredth anniversary of his birth, is a must-read for both Thomas's fans and newcomers interested in an introduction to his works and the unique sensibility that created them. Chapters are devoted to his poetic perspectives, ranging from the microscopic to the cosmic, his unusual perceptions of the world, which some critics have described as those of an almost altered reality, his diction, or working vocabulary, his penchant for refurbishing clichés, his hilarious sense of humor and linguistic playfulness, his development as a poet, and his concern for sound, often resulting in a lofty, at times Biblical, though secular, tone. In summary, the study fully explores the heart and mind behind the poems, and shows why his work will always remain in the top rank of English poetry. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781498508889 (Language: William Greenway is Professor of Philosophical Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is the author of A Reasonable Belief: Why God and Faith Make Sense (2015), For the Love of All Creatures: The Story of Grace in Genesis (2015), The Challenge of Evil: Grace and the Problem of Suffering (2016), and Agape Ethics: Moral Realism and Love for All Life (Cascade, 2016). )

: Warum Europa eine Republik werden muss Eine politische Uotpie. (2016)
Verlag J.H.W. Dietz,
ISBN/EAN: 9783801204792 (Language: deutsch)

: Winston Churchill. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.
ISBN/EAN: 9783499613548 (Language: deutsch)

: Fremde Heimat Deutschland. Leben zwischen Ankommen und Abschied. Migranten erzählen über deutsche Erfahrungen.
ISBN/EAN: 9783898215077 (Language: deutsch)

: Altes Land.
ISBN/EAN: 9783328100126 (Language: deutsch)

: Pamela Hansford Johnson. Her Life, Work and Times. (€ 48,00)
This first biography of Pamela Hansford Johnson (1912-1981) has been written with the full co-operation of her three children, who allowed Wendy Pollard access to previously unexamined diaries, letters and much other material, illuminating their mother's eventful and often entertaining life. Pamela Hansford Johnson's achievements were all the more,
ISBN/EAN: 9780856832987 (Language: After a number of administrative jobs, Wendy Pollard worked for five years as editorial assistant on the Newsdesk of Independent Television News. While her family was growing up, she studied with the Open University, gaining a first-class honours degree. She was awarded a PhD in 2000 by the English Faculty of the University of Cambridge, for a dissertation on the literary reception of the works of Rosamond Lehmann, which was later published as Rosamond Lehmann and Her Critics: The Vagaries of Literary Reception (Ashgate, 2004).)

: Brecht Chronik 1898-1956
ISBN/EAN: 9783518414811 (Language: deutsch)

: Age of Extremes 1914 - 1991 The Short Twentieth Century.
Little, Brown Book Group,
ISBN/EAN: 9780349106717 (Language: englisch)

: Das lange 19. Jahrhundert.
ISBN/EAN: 9783806236415 (Language: deutsch)

: Geschichte der deutschen Migration. Vom Mittelalter bis heute.
ISBN/EAN: 9783406587948 (Language: deutsch)

: Aufbruch in die Fremde.
ISBN/EAN: 9783926958952 (Language: deutsch)

: Llareggub Revisited: Dylan Thomas and the State of Modern Poetry (€ 21,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014922472 (Language: David Holbrook is Emeritus Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge. )

: Dylan Thomas. The Code of Night. (€ 151,99)
Mr Holbrook here offers a new interpretation of Dylan Thomas which seeks, by uncovering the roots of his predicament as man and artist, to show what is of lasting value in his achievement. This undertaking involves the consideration of some profound questions of human personality and of human creativity and its denial. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781472514639 (Language: David Holbrook is Emeritus Fellow, Downing College, Cambridge. )

: Vom Zwangsarbeiter zum heimatlosen Ausländer. Die Displaced Persons in Westdeutschland 1945-1951
ISBN/EAN: 9783647357249 (Language: deutsch)

: The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas (€ 12,50)
In The Three Lives of Dylan Thomas, journalist Hilly Janes explores the poet's life and extraordinary legacy through the eyes of her father, the artist Alfred Janes. A member of Thomas's inner circle, he painted the poet at three key moments: in 1934, 1953 and, posthumously in 1964, portraits which are at the heart of Janes' work. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781912109814

: Die Frau im blauen Mantel.
ISBN/EAN: 9783499256257 (Language: deutsch)

: This is London. The Sories you never hear. The People you nver see. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9781447276272 (Language: englisch)

: Dem Land geht es schlecht. Ein Traktat über unsere Unzufriedenheit.
ISBN/EAN: 9783446236516 (Language: deutsch)

: Nachdenken über das 20. Jahrhundert.
ISBN/EAN: 9783446241398 (Language: deutsch)

: Wie wir leben wollen. Texte für Solidarität und Freiheit.
ISBN/EAN: 9783518467107 (Language: deutsch)

: Bertolt Brecht mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas (€ 33,60)
Since the Bible appears so frequently in Dylan Thomas' work, some critics have decided that he must be a religious poet. Others, noting blasphemous statements and certain irreligious aspects of Thomas' personal life, contend that he was no such thing. Rushworth M. Kidder, investigating this problem, looks below the surface of the obviously religious imagery and discovers a more profound poetry. The first part of this book discusses the nature of religious poetry and the application of that term to Thomas' work, it then develops the necessary background based on his letters and prose comments to provide a foundation for the study, and finally it examines the relationship between the religious aspects of his poetry and his well-known ambiguity. The author re-defines the vocabulary for dealing with religious imagery by establishing three distinct categories of imagery: referential, allusive, and thematic. This original technique is used to examine critically Thomas' poems to show the development of his religious and poetic thought. There are numerous close, sensitive readings of individual poems to show how his poetry, like the Bible, teaches by parable, speaking deliberate ambiguity rather than simple dogma. This strategy inspired poetry that is technically complex but thematically simple, a mode of verse that became more explicitly religious in the poet's final years. Originally published in 1973. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9780691619033

: The Religious Sonnets of Dylan Thomas (€ 38,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780520308800

: Bertolt Brecht (Language: deutsch)

: Gesammelte Gedichte.
ISBN/EAN: 9783552053601 (Language: deutsch)

: Winston Churchill. Eine Biographie des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Hoffmann und Campe,
ISBN/EAN: 9783455504156 (Language: deutsch)

: Das Wales des Dylan Thomas (€ 18,00)
Ich bin ein Waliser. Ich bin ein Trinker. Ich bin ein Menschenfreund. Der walisische Dichter und Essayist Dylan Thomas (1914 - 1953) blieb Zeit seines Lebens mit der walisischen Landschaft verbunden. In seinem Geburtsort Swansea, einer Hafenstadt an der walisischen Südküste, wurde schon früh seine Fantasie beflügelt. Er strich durch den imaginierten Dschungel im Park gegenüber dem Elternhaus und schrieb schon als Jugendlicher Gedichte und Erzählungen. Zunächst als Reporter und als Laienschauspieler tätig, entwickelte er sich bald zu einer ganz eigenständigen Stimme in der englischsprachigen Lyrik. Sein Vokalstück Unter dem Milchwald wurde zu einem Welterfolg. Mit seiner Frau Caitlin und ihren drei Kindern zog der Dichter weiter nach Westen in das Hafendorf Laugharne. Dort bewohnten sie das Boathouse , von dem aus sie einen weiten Blick über die Mündung des Flusses Taf hatten, eine weitläufige Wasserlandschaft, die innerhalb von Minuten ihr Gesicht ändern kann. Eine ehemalige Garage, von ihm The Shack genannt, diente ihm als Schreibwerkstatt. Meist ging er dann hinüber zu Brown's Hotel, um zu trinken und den kolossalen Lügnern an der Theke zu lauschen. Sein Alkoholismus trug vermutlich auch zu seinem frühen Tod bei. Auf einer Lesereise nach Amerika starb Dylan Thomas im Alter von nur 39 Jahren. Eine große Waliser Stimme war erloschen. ,
ISBN/EAN: 9783948114138 (Language: Franz-Josef Krücker studierte Anglistik und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Köln. Er war einige Jahre als Chef vom Dienst einer China-Zeitschrift tätig und betrieb 25 Jahre den Wissenschaftsverlag edition global . Seit 1989 ist er zudem freiberuflicher Autor, Übersetzer und Lektor und realisierte seither mehr als dreißig Reisebücher und Werke zur Zeitgeschichte, meist über Asien oder die Britischen Inseln. Dafür lebte und arbeitete er in Yorkshire, Hongkong und Manila. Heute widmet er sich der Erforschung literarischer Orte. )

: Wem gehört die Zukunft? Du bist nicht der Kunde der Internetkonzerne. Du bist ihr Produkt. (2014)
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783455503180 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa zuerst! Eine Unabhängigkeitserklärung.
ISBN/EAN: 9783550050176 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Bibel
ISBN/EAN: 9783438015211 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas (€ 18,18)
The renowned literary biographer offers a thoroughly well-written chronicle of the legendary Welsh poet's life that is rich in anecdote (The New Yorker). Dylan Thomas is as legendary for his raucous life as for his literary genius. The author of the immortal poems Death Shall Have No Dominion, Before I Knocked, and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night, as well as the short story A Christmas in Wales, and the play for voices Under Milk Wood, published his first book, 18 Poems, in 1934, when he was only twenty years old. When he died in New York in 1953, at age thirty-nine, the myths took hold: he became the Keats and the Byron of his generation-the romantic poet who died too young, his potential unfulfilled. Making masterful use of original material from archives and personal papers, Andrew Lycett describes the development of the young poet, brings valuable new insights to Thomas's poetry, and unearths fascinating details about the poet's many affairs and his tempestuous marriage to his passionate Irish wife, Caitlin. The result is a poignant yet stirring portrait of the chaos of Thomas's personal life and a welcome re-evaluation of the lyricism and experimentalism of his literary legacy. This is the best biography of the poet I have ever read. -Robert Nye, The Scotsman ,
ISBN/EAN: 9781468304077 (Language: Andrew Lycett received a history degreefrom Oxford. His previous acclaimed biographiesinclude lives of Ian Fleming and Rudyard Kipling.He lives in London. )

: Wanderung, Flucht, Vertreibung. Geschichte der Migration.
ISBN/EAN: 9783884003312 (Language: deutsch)

: Geschichte Englands
ISBN/EAN: 9783150109717 (Language: deutsch)

: Geschichte Irlands
ISBN/EAN: 9783150191347 (Language: deutsch)

: Geschichte Schottlands
ISBN/EAN: 9783150195727 (Language: deutsch)

: Wales. Kultur und Geschichte
ISBN/EAN: 9783150193686 (Language: deutsch)

: Der europäische Landbote. Die Wut der Bürger und der Friede Europas. (2012)
Paul Zsolnay,
ISBN/EAN: 9783552056169 (Language: deutsch)

: How England made the English From Why We Drive on the Left to Why We Don‘t Talk to Our Neighbour. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9782670919157 (Language: englisch)

: Wie schnell wächst die Zahl der Menschen? Weltbevölkerung und weltweite Migration.
ISBN/EAN: 9783596172719 (Language: deutsch)

: Sound and sense in Dylan Thomas's poetry (€ 109,95)
ISBN/EAN: 9783111037462

: Das Brexit-Referendum Hintergründe, Streitthemen, Perspektiven (2017)
Springer VS,
ISBN/EAN: 9783658156329 (Language: deutsch)

: Geschichte Englands im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. (1993)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 9783406727979 (Language: deutsch)

: Hugenotten.
ISBN/EAN: 9783412206246 (Language: deutsch)

: Kleine Migrationsgeschichte von Nordrhein Westfalen
ISBN/EAN: 9783774304796 (Language: deutsch)

: Vom richtigen, guten und glücklichen Leben.
ISBN/EAN: 9783423303828 (Language: deutsch)

: British Cilivization An Introduction. (1989)
ISBN/EAN: 9780415365222 (Language: englisch)

: Reisen im Mittelalter.
ISBN/EAN: 9783538071841 (Language: deutsch)

: Migration. Geschichte und Zukunft der Gegenwart.
ISBN/EAN: 9783806228182 (Language: deutsch)

: Christianisierung im Mittelalter.
ISBN/EAN: 9783534200542 (Language: deutsch)

: The Prose Writing of Dylan Thomas (€ 52,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9781349094059

: Die Weimarer Republik
ISBN/EAN: 9783518112823 (Language: deutsch)

: Projekt Europa. Eine kritische Geschichte. (2018)
C.H. Beck,
ISBN/EAN: 9783406727689 (Language: deutsch)

: Trotz alledem! Europa muss man einfach lieben. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9783518072899 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas' Early Prose: A Study in Creative Mythology (€ 56,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780822952152

: Brexitannia. Die Geschichte einer Entfremdung. Warum Großbritannien für den brexit stimmte. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9783991001966 (Language: deutsch)

: Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.
ISBN/EAN: 9783518278710 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Nacht von Lissabon.
ISBN/EAN: 9783462050943 (Language: deutsch)

: Im Westen nichts Neues.
ISBN/EAN: 9783462046335 (Language: deutsch)

: Fluchtpunkt Europa. Unsere humanitäre Verantwortung.
ISBN/EAN: 9783896841728 (Language: deutsch)

: Wir sind Europa. Eine Streitschrift gegen den Nationalismus. (2016)
ISBN/EAN: 9783550081590 (Language: deutsch)

(Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas: From Fern Hill to Milk Wood (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781800992221

: Wolfgang Borchert. In Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. 'rororo Monographien'. 9.
ISBN/EAN: 9783499500589 (Language: deutsch)

: Großbritannien. Eine politische Landeskunde. (1998)
Leske + Budrich,
ISBN/EAN: 3810020621 (Language: deutsch)

: Fahrt ins Staublose
ISBN/EAN: 9783518379851 (Language: deutsch)

: Siciliano on came to my rescue (€ 11,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781495078576

: Migranten, Siedler, Flüchtlinge. Von der Massenauswanderzung zur Festung Europa.
ISBN/EAN: 359660138X (Language: deutsch)

: In Deutschland unterwegs. Reportagen, Skizzen, Berichte 1945 - 1948
ISBN/EAN: 9783150278581 (Language: deutsch)

: Niemand gibt uns eine Stimme - Fluchtort Europa
ISBN/EAN: 9783954625581 (Language: deutsch)

: Ankommen. Gespräche mit Dimitre Dinev, Anna Kim, Radek Knapp, Julyia Rabinowich, Michael Stavaric
ISBN/EAN: 9783222134678 (Language: deutsch)

: All out war. The full story of Brexit.
William Collins,
ISBN/EAN: 9780008215170 (Language: englisch)

: Fall out. A very politcal mayhem.
William Collins,
ISBN/EAN: 9780008264420 (Language: englisch)

: Studies of Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath and Robert Lowell (€ 52,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9781349049646

: Der Dschungel.
ISBN/EAN: 9783293206649 (Language: deutsch)

: Dorthin kann ich nicht zurück. Flüchtlinge erzählen.
ISBN/EAN: 9783853713396 (Language: deutsch)

: Früchte des Zorns.
ISBN/EAN: 9783423104746 (Language: deutsch)

: Echte Engländer. Britannien und der Brexit.
ISBN/EAN: 9783711720696 (Language: deutsch)

: My Father's Places: A Memoir by Dylan Thomas's Daughter (€ 20,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781616081010 (Language: englisch)
a moving memoir, beautifully drawn. --The Sunday Times

: My Life With Dylan Thomas (€ 12,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781844085187 (Language: englisch)
Caitlin MacNamara (1913-1994) married Dylan Thomas in 1938. They lived in Wales where they had three children. Despite affairs and drink they stayed together until his death in 1953. She then lived in Italy partly and had another child, who writes an afterword to this memoir.

: Leftover Life to Kill (x)
ISBN/EAN: Leftover Life to Kill (Language: englisch)
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Double Drink Story: My Life with Dylan Thomas (Language: englisch)
Caitlin Macnamara married Dylan Thomas in 1938. They lived in Wales and had three children. In this biography, she reveals their life together and their solemn duty to surfeit themselves limitlessly with drink, to wild extinction.
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter
ISBN/EAN: Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter (Language: englisch)
Written by Caitlin Thomas, the widow of poet Dylan Thomas, Not Quite Posthumous Letter to My Daughter is in the form of a long letter to her eighteen-year-old daughter. This is a mother's advice, a mother who has suffered spiritual, emotional, mental and physical despair and one who is writing out of her own dark and painful experiences. Caitlin leaves nothing unsaid: God, work, poverty, Catholicism, bohemianism, her husband Dylan, the evils of drink, money and success, art and artists, sex and love, marriage, the joys of country life. Caitlin Thomas is a sharp-witted observer of human nature, and her sense of satire and grasp of human foibles reveal life's comedy.
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Caitlin: Life with Dylan Thomas.
ISBN/EAN: Caitlin Life with Dylan Thomas (Language: englisch)
Title is available antiquarian only.

: The Dylan Thomas Trail (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780862436094 (Language: englisch)
This guide follows the footsteps of Dylan Thomas in the Ceredigion area of Wales. It contains walks with photographs and maps of the area around Aberaeron and Newquay where Thomas wrote some of his classics. Anecdotes and stories about Thomas and his literature are also included.

: Dylan Remembered (€ 16,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854113634 (Language: englisch)
This is the second volume of transcribed interviews about the poet Dylan Thomas. Journalist, broadcaster, and author Colin Edwards interviewed numerous sources close to Thomas for a planned biography of the poet, but he was unable to begin work before his early death. The transcribed tapes have been edited into two collections. This volume contains interviews with Fred Janes, Mably Owen, Vernon Watkins, Glyn Jones, and the villagers of Dylan's stomping grounds of New Quay, South Leigh, and Laughern, as well as with many others, including Dylan's friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.

: Dylan Thomas: A Farm, Two Mansions and a Bungalow (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854112750 (Language: englisch)
This Dylan Thomas biography reveals startling new information on Thomas's stay in Cardiganshire. With updated research and interviews, this work takes a fresh look at the Majoda shooting, the setting of Under Milk Wood, and the claims that Thomas spied for the British in Iran. Previously unpublished photographs provide an inside look at the surroundings and circle of friends that influenced some of Thomas's most important works.

: Fatal Neglect: Who Killed Dylan Thomas? (€ 19,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781854114808 (Language: englisch)
Drawing on startling new evidence, including medical records and a postmortem report, this biography provides several answers to the mysterious and unsolved death of the revered poet Dylan Thomas. Since his death in 1953, arguments that he died from alcohol abuse, diabetes, a heart attack, or even medical incompetence have endured, and this account carefully researches each theory and investigates the roles of people close to Thomas, including his lover, Liz Reitell, her doctor Milton Feltenstein, hospital doctors McVeigh and Gilbertson, and the literary impresario John Malcolm Brinnin. Countering those who have wondered if Thomas himself was mostly to blame for his demise, this account weaves together a chilling picture of demanding friends and colleagues who did not take the poet's illness seriously.

: Dylan Thomas and the Edge of Love: the Real Story (Language: englisch)

: Dylan Thomas: Everyman Poetry (€ 6,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780460878319 (Language: englisch)
A collection of Dylan Thomas's most beloved poems.

: Eight Stories (New Directions Bibelot) (€ 7,49)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811223881 (Language: englisch)
Collected here are eight particularly enjoyable Dylan Thomas stories, stories hailed by The New Statesman as the unself-conscious classics, compassionate, fresh, and very funny... radiating enthusiasm and delight in the telling. This story collection includes The End of The River, The School for Witches, The Peaches, Just Like Little Dogs, Old Garbo, One Warm Saturday, Plenty of Furniture, The Followers

: A Child's Christmas in Wales (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781444015430 (Language: englisch)
All the Christmases roll down toward the two-tongued sea, like a cold and headlong moon bundling down the sky that was our street...' Celebrated poet, Dylan Thomas, recalls his own childhood Christmas with wit and magic in this beautiful children's classic that has become one of his most popular works.

: Weihnachten in meiner Kindheit (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783458179634 (Language: deutsch)

: Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227276 (Language: englisch)
Ten marvellously evocative short stories inspired by the events of Dylan Thomas' youth. Featuring a bold new livery in celebration of the Dylan Thomas centenary.

: Selected Poems (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227290 (Language: englisch)
An introduction to one of the country's finest ever poets, with a brand new cover look, for Thomas's centenary. Features his best known poem, 'Fern Hill' as well as many over well-loved works.

: The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227252 (Language: englisch)
Fascinating insight into the tempestuous life of one of our great poets through his letters, including those to the two great loves of his life. Featuring a bold new livery in celebration of the Dylan Thomas centenary.

: Under Milk Wood (€ 11,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227245 (Language: englisch)
Dylan Thomas's classic BBC commissioned radio play reprinted to celebrate the centenary of his birth, featuring a brand new livery. An emotive and hilarious account of a spring day in the fictional Welsh seaside village of Llareggub.

: A Dylan Thomas Treasury (€ 12,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227269 (Language: englisch)
An exclusive and detailed collection of Dylan Thomas's poems, stories and broadcasts, with a bold new look in celebration of the author's centenary.

: Dylan Thomas Omnibus (€ 13,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227283 (Language: englisch)
All Dylan Thomas's major works gathered together, including best-loved stories and poems such as Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog and Under Milk Wood . Reissued with a new look to celebrate Thomas's centenary.

: Under Milk Wood (€ 13,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780563388609 (Language: englisch)

: Collected Stories (€ 14,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227306 (Language: englisch)
Definitive collection of Dylan Thomas's short stories, presenting the complete span, from his urgent hallucinatory visions of the dark forces beneath the surface of Welsh life to the inimitable comedy of his later autobiographical writings.

: The Doctor and the Devils: And Other Scripts (€ 14,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202060 (Language: englisch)
Dylan Thomas's principal works for film and radio provide a rewarding experience for those readers who know him only through his poetry and stories.

: A Child's Christmas in Wales: Gift Edition (€ 16,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780823438709 (Language: englisch)
The enduring holiday classic, lavishly illustrated by multiple Caldecott Medalist Trina Schart Hyman, is now available in a gift edition for a new generation of readers. This nostalgic recollection of Christmas past by celebrated Welsh poet Dylan Thomas evokes the beauty and tradition of the season at every turn: the warmth of a family gathering, the loveliness of a mistletoe-decked home, the predictability of cats by the fire, the mischief and fun of children left to their own devices, and the sheer delight of gifts--be they Useful or Useless. Readers will cherish this beautiful hardcover edition of the classic A Child's Christmas in Wales complete with gold-foil stars, a debossed, glossy front picture, and sparkling snowflakes. Once inside, readers are rewarded with stunning, midnight-blue endpapers sprinkled with a flurry of more snowflakes. This book is a must-have gift for the season. Brilliantly illustrated by Caldecott medalist Trina Schart Hyman with a combination of more than 40 full-color and sepia-toned images, this beautiful edition of Thomas's beloved classic will enchant readers of all ages, year after year. An ALA Notable Book.

: Quite Early One Morning: Stories (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202084 (Language: englisch)
In England and America Dylan Thomas made his art and personality widely known through public readings, radio broadcasts and recordings. Many of the 25 short stories, autobiographical sketches and essays in Quite Early One Morning, a volume planned by Thomas shortly before his death, were read by him on such occasions. They are alive with his verbal magic, his intense perception of life, his gargantuan humor and with the very ring of his voice. Included in this collection of prose pieces are such favorites as the hilarious A Visit to America, the account of a small boy's marvelous day's outing-- A Story, and the memorable A Child's Christmas in Wales which has been called 'the twentieth century Christmas Carol.' Other pieces show Thomas's power as a sensitive critic of poetry and as an exponent of his own intent as a poet.

: The Loud Hill of Wales: Poetry of Place (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780460870764 (Language: englisch)
A classic tale by one of Wales' finest ever writers.

: The Collected Stories (€ 17,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811220453 (Language: englisch)
This gathering of all Dylan Thomas's stories, ranging chronologically from the dark, almost surrealistic tales of Thomas's youth to such gloriously rumbustious celebrations of life as A Child's Christmas in Wales and Adventures in the Skin Trade, charts the progress of The Rimbaud of Cwmdonkin Drive toward his mastery of the comic idiom. Here, too, are stories originally written for radio and television and, in a short appendix, the schoolboy pieces first published in the Swansea Grammar School Magazine. A highpoint of the collection is Thomas's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog, a vivid collage of memories from his Swansea childhood that combines the lyricism of his poetry with the sparkle and sly humor of Under Milk Wood. Also here is the fiction from Quite Early One Morning, a collection planned by Thomas shortly before his death. Altogether there are more than forty stories, providing a rich and varied literary feast and showing Dylan Thomas in all his intriguing variety-somber fantasist, joyous word-spinner, comedian of smalltown Wales. The book includes an entertaining, informative reflection on Thomas by another Welsh poet and storyteller, Leslie Norris, as well as a brief listing of publication details by Professor Walford Davies, editor of Dylan Thomas: Early Prose Works.

: A Pearl of Great Price: The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas to Pearl Kazin (€ 18,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781909844681 (Language: englisch)
New York, May, 1950. A warm Spring day and a thirty-five year old Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas, pushes through the revolving doors of Harper's Bazaar. There, he meets Miss Pearl Kazin, Fiction Editor, highly-educated and out to make her own mark on New York. One side of their correspondence has survived: six love letters, never before published. A Pearl of Great Price is edited and introduced by antiquarian bookseller Jeff Towns, who has been pursuing and dealing in the books, manuscripts, letters, iconography and ephemera surrounding Dylan Thomas from his bookstore in his home town of Swansea, for over forty years. In that time Jeff has been fortunate in handling some quite remarkable materials original letters to Dylan's wife, books inscribed to fellow writers and close friends and even the book Dylan inscribed and gave to Charlie Chaplin when they met in Hollywood.

: Adventures in the Skin Trade (€ 18,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811202022 (Language: englisch)
This collection of the poet Dylan Thomas's fiction--and what an extraordinary storyteller he was!--holds special interest because it ranges from the early stories such as The School for Witches and The Burning Baby, with their powerful inheritance of Welsh mythology and wild imagination, to the chapters he completed before his death of the alas unfinished novel Adventures in the Skin Trade. Adventures is the story, written in a shrewd, sly, deadpan vein of picaresque comedy, of young Samuel Bennet, who runs away from his home in Wales to seek his fortune in London.

: On the Air with Dylan Thomas: The Broadcasts (€ 18,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811212090 (Language: englisch)
A book full of surprises and delights, On the Air with Dylan Thomas presents all of Thomas's BBC radio work (with the exception of Under Milk Wood , which is available separately). Thomas served his broadcasting apprenticeship as a teenager with his friend Daniel Jones. They set up a station between the second and first floors of the Jones' home Warmley, dubbing it the Warmley Broadcasting Company. Then, starting in 1943 and continuing to his death, Thomas often sat behind a BBC microphone, variously giving radio talks, introducing poetry selections, participating in round-table discussions, reading dramas, essays, and poems. His was a glorious voice and he had a special case and inventiveness on the air.

: Rebecca's Daughters (€ 18,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811208840 (Language: englisch)
Rebecca's Daughters is the nearest Dylan Thomas ever came to realizing his ambition to write a film scenario in such a way that it would not only stand ready for shooting but would, at the same time, give the ordinary reader a visual impression of the film in words. A romantic adventure story set in mid-nineteenth-century Wales, Rebecca's Daughters has a dashing hero who is not what he seems, commonfolk oppressed by the landowners, and finally, justice triumphant over greed and misused privilege. Who is the mysterious Rebecca swathed in wide black skirts with a shawl drawn over his mouth and his eyes flashing from beneath the brim of his tall black hat as he exhorts his daughters to tear down the hated tollgates imposed by the gentry's Turnpike Trust? And where does the foppish Anthony Raine--just returned from a tour in India with the despised British army--stand? And how is the lovely Rhiannon to choose between them? This reissue of Thomas's delightful tale of derring-do has been illustrated with charm and verve by the celebrated wood engraver and graphic artist Fritz Eichenberg.

: The Essential Dylan Thomas (€ 19,99)
ISBN/EAN: The Essential Dylan Thomas (Language: englisch)
This varied, well-chosen selection brings onto one audio program the best of Dylan Thomas. Here is the legendary recording of Under Milk Wood , with Richard Burton and Richard Bebb as narrators, but here also are two radio productions he wrote before that great classic, and though interesting in their own right, they show how Under Milk Wood grew gradually in his imagination. This collection includes Under Milk Wood , Return Journey to Swansea , and And death shall have no dominion and other poems. It also includes Memories of Christmas , The Peaches , The Outing , The Followers , Do not go gentle into that good night , and other poems. Thomas was a charismatic if idiosyncratic performer of his own poetry and stories and here is a representative selection.
Title is available antiquarian only.

: Collected Poems: Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227238 (Language: englisch)
Trade paperback. This groundbreaking edition contained all of Thomas's poems together in a single volume for the first time and is now published in paperback

: The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781780227238 (Language: englisch)
Trade paperback. This groundbreaking edition contained all of Thomas's poems together in a single volume for the first time and is now published in paperback.

: Cerys Matthews' Under Milk Wood (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474622509 (Language: englisch)
In this enchanting illustrated adaptation, Cerys Matthews brings Dylan Thomas's beloved classic to new life. This is a bedtime story like no other, a book to be treasured by many generations, a book for babies and old men alike, for all that are young at heart

: Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters Volume 1 (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474607995 (Language: englisch)
The first volume of the definitive collection of Dylan Thomas's letters.

: Dylan Thomas: The Collected Letters Volume 2 (€ 24,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781474608008 (Language: englisch)
The second volume of the definitive collection of Dylan Thomas's letters.

: Windabgeworfenes Licht (€ 25,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783446272217 (Language: englisch)

: Unterm Milchwald (€ 27,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9783446274150 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas: The Caedmon CD Collection (€ 34,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780060790837 (Language: englisch)
Beginning in February 1952, Dylan Thomas made a series of memorable and historic recordings for a new record label called Caedmon. In fact, Dylan Thomas was the first to record for this new label, started by two 22-year-old women, Marianne Roney and Barbara Cohen. Little did they know that in addition to capturing a part of history they also launched an industry of spoken-word recording. This collection not only contains the incredible Caedmon recording sessions, but also recordings from the BBC, CBC, and other archival material Caedmon originally published in the 1950s and 1960s. Highlights include: A Child's Christmas in Wales and Five Poems , Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night , his prose: Adventures in the Skin Trade and Quite Early One Morning, and his final work - Under Milk Wood, a play. With stunning original album cover art, and an introduction read by former poet laureate Billy Collins, this unique collection includes not only Dylan Thomas reading his finest works, but also rare recordings of Thomas reading his favorite writers, including W.H. Auden and William Shakespeare.

: The Poems of Dylan Thomas (€ 43,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9780811221146 (Language: englisch)
The reputation of Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) as one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century has not waned in the fifty years since his death. A Welshman with a passion for the English language, Thomas's singular poetic voice has been admired and imitated, but never matched. This exciting, newly edited annotated edition offers a more complete and representative collection of Dylan Thomas's poetic works than any previous edition. Edited by leading Dylan Thomas scholar John Goodby from the University of Swansea, The Poems of Dylan Thomas contains all the poems that appeared in Collected Poems 1934-1952, edited by Dylan Thomas himself, as well as poems from the 1930-1934 notebooks and poems from letters, amatory verses, occasional poems, the verse film script for Our Country, and poems that appear in his radio play for voices, Under Milk Wood. Showing the broad range of Dylan Thomas's oeuvre as never before, this new edition places Thomas in the twenty-first century, with an up-to-date introduction by Goodby whose notes and annotations take a pluralistic approach.

: Windabgeworfenes Licht. Gedichte.
S. Fischer,
ISBN/EAN: 9783596113620 (Language: deutsch)

: Morenga. (1978)
ISBN/EAN: 9783423127257 (Language: deutsch)

: A Reader's Guide to Dylan Thomas (€ 21,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780815604013 (Language: englisch)
The clearest and closest explication de texte of Dylan Thomas yet offered . -- Booklist

(Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas, dog Among the Fairies. (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014271211 (Language: englisch)

: Der Verlorene. (1998)
ISBN/EAN: 9783518395615 (Language: deutsch)

: Der englische Garten. Eine Reise durch seine Geschichte. (1999)
ISBN/EAN: 9783803111807 (Language: deutsch)

(Language: deutsch)

: Exodus. (1958)
Heyne ,
ISBN/EAN: 9783453138346 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa demokratisieren. (2019)
Hamburger Edition,
ISBN/EAN: 9783868542967 (Language: deutsch)

: Kultbuch England. Alles was wir liebe: von Ascot bis zum Yorksire Pudding. (2009)
ISBN/EAN: 9783869411767 (Language: deutsch)

: Once Below a Time: Dylan Thomas, Julia Kristeva, and Other Speaking Subjects (€ 35,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780791445600 (Language: englisch)
Highly original and theoretically wide-ranging, this book offers new insights into the origins of poetry. Working with much of the significant primary and secondary literature in psychoanalysis, particularly the theories of Julia Kristeva, the book skillfully sketches out a psychoanalytically enhanced theory of poetics through close readings of the works of Dylan Thomas. Through an intense dialogue with pivotal poems, it offers a subjectivist theory of poetic language, one that focuses on the interrelation between meaning and subjectivity in the dynamics of the poetic text. In this scheme, the genesis of the speaking subject is held to be a reenactment of old and new fantasies of origins, the reality of which is inaccessible to us -- buried, as it were, below time . Among these fantasies, the author also recognizes the psychoanalytic fantasy of origins that guides her own project.

: Dylan Thomas. Portrait of a Friend (€ 20,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780862437800 (Language: englisch)
Featuring a personal memoir of Dylan Thomas, this biography is written by Gwen Watkins who had a close and lasting friendship with him and Caitilin.

: Vernon Watkins on Dylan Thomas and Other Poets and Poetry (€ 15,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781909844056 (Language: englisch)

: Die europäische Union (2012)
ISBN/EAN: 9783894384982 (Language: deutsch)

: Europa, was nun? Trump, Brexit, Migration und die Eurokrise (2018)
ISBN/EAN: 9783894386535 (Language: deutsch)

: Dylan Thomas and the Writing Shed (€ 17,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781938853982 (Language: englisch)

: Religiöse Toleranz oder politisches Kalkül? Glaubensflüchtlinge und Peuplierungspolitik in der Hohenzollernmonarchie im Barockzeitalter. (2015)
GRIN Publishing,
ISBN/EAN: 9783668099609 (Language: deutsch)

: Wir lassen sie verhungern. Die Massenvernichtung in der dritten Welt. (2012)
Bertelsmann Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783570101261 (Language: deutsch)

: Ändere die Welt! Warum wir die kannibalische Weltordnung stürzen müssen. (2015)
ISBN/EAN: 9783570102565 (Language: deutsch)

: Deutschlandbericht für das Kriegsministerium der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika (2004)
ISBN/EAN: 9783892447719 (Language: deutsch)

: Die Schachnovelle (1943)
S Fischer,
ISBN/EAN: 9783596215225 (Language: deutsch)

: Wales in His Arms (€ 10,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780708312483 (Language: englisch)
Dylan Thomas was alert to the up and coming poets in Wales writing in English, and promoted some of them on the BBC and in reading poems in public. This book presents a record of Thomas's concern for his fellow Anglo-Welsh poets.

: Study Guide to the Major Poems by Dylan Thomas (€ 10,90)
ISBN/EAN: 9781645424581 (Language: englisch)
A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Dylan Thomas, popular Welsh poet in the twentieth-century. Titles in this study guide include The Map of Love, Once Below A Time, In Country Sleep, and Death and Entrances. As a poet of the modernist movement, Thomas' work included themes of religion, innocence, and the human awareness of experience. Moreover, he utilized literary devices to captivate his audience, such as alliteration, internal rhyme, sprung rhythm, and was even noted as a skilled writer of prose poetry. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores the context and history of Thomas' classic work, helping students to thoroughly explore the reasons they have stood the literary test of time. Each Bright Notes Study Guide contains: - Introductions to the Author and the Work - Character Summaries - Plot Guides - Section and Chapter Overviews - Test Essay and Study Q&As The Bright Notes Study Guide series offers an in-depth tour of more than 275 classic works of literature, exploring characters, critical commentary, historical background, plots, and themes. This set of study guides encourages readers to dig deeper in their understanding by including essay questions and answers as well as topics for further research.

: Sound and Meaning in Dylan Thomas's Poetry (€ 29,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014249067 (Language: englisch)

: The World of Dylan Thomas (€ 33,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781014260659 (Language: englisch)

: Alles, was ich schreibe - alles, was ich bin. Texte einer Unbeugsamen. (€ 22,00)
Marix Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783737412018 (Language: deutsch)
She is regarded as the innovator of the short story and was the only writer whose style was the envy of Virginia Woolf. She uncompromisingly insists on truthfulness in her writing, defying conventions in order to fulfil her own demands. In addition to precision and musicality, Katherine Mansfield brings a new tone to literature, new perspectives - the people in her stories are more important to her than the plot - a humour that is underestimated by many and sensuality in abundance. Her psychologically motivated texts, which are often autobiographical in nature, depict everyday events and seemingly trivial matters, but always focus on a decisive moment of realisation for her characters. Ingrid Mylo has made a selection from her oeuvre of 88 short stories, scattered poems, diaries, letters and reviews, linking the fascinating aspects of Katherine Mansfield´s personality with her work in a special way. The New Zealand-British writer Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923), who died far too young, is today considered a master of the short story on a par with James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Anton Chekhov. Her short bohemian life was characterised by travel, illness, love affairs with men and women and a very illustrious circle of acquaintances around Virginia Woolf, Bertrand Russell and D. H. Lawrence. She saw herself second as a woman, first as a writer.

: Ich will die Dinge auf die Spitze treiben! Erzählungen. Laufzeit ca. 1 Stunde 51 Minuten. (€ 6,95)
Random House Audio,
ISBN/EAN: 9783837116328 (Language: deutsch)
It suits me, I love her stories and her tone. Elke Heidenreich Why can´t we meet in dreams and answer all our questions? Katherine Mansfield wrote over 80 stories in her short, eventful life. A small, fine selection is now presented by Elke Heidenreich on this audiobook. The New Zealand-British author is a master at depicting atmospheres. Her style is simple and sharp. The great New Zealand author Katherine Mansfield has gone down in world literature as a master of the short story. In her stories, she describes small human weaknesses with a twinkle in her eye and looks behind the scenes of social conventions. This audiobook brings together a small selection of her stories: Happiness Mr Reginald Peacock´s big day A cup of tea Marriage á la mode Germans at the table

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Mein Katherine Mansfield Projekt
Freies Geistesleben,
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9783772530333 (Language: deutsch)
Kirsty Gunn, born in New Zealand in 1960, studied at Oxford. She is one of the most experimental writers on the British literary scene today. Her first novel Rain was published in 1994 and was made into a film in 2001. The internationally renowned author´s subsequent novels and stories are also available in German, including: Eine Geschichte mit blassen Augen, Featherstone (Berlin Verlag), Der Junge und das Meer (mare Verlag).
A moving tribute to the great Katherine Mansfield After an absence of thirty years, a research grant takes Kirsty Gunn back to her home town of Wellington in New Zealand, the same place where Katherine Mansfield grew up. The city, much more than just a setting for both of them, turns out to be a focal point for memories, characterisations and backdrops. Along the way, Gunn explores the ideas of home and belonging and the profound influence of Mansfield on her own creative journey. A search for clues, an image of home and a process of realisation in equal measure - a sparkling study of freedom, familiarity, love and loneliness.
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: My Katherine Mansfield Project (€ 2.016,00)
Notting Hill Editions,
ISBN/EAN: 9781910749814 (Language: englisch)
Kirsty Gunn returned to spend the winter in her home town of Wellington, New Zealand, the place where Katherine Mansfield also grew up. Gunn explores the ideas of home and belonging and of the profound influence of Mansfield on her own creative journey.

: Rosabels Tagtraum. (€ 19,90)
Manesse Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783717521662 (Language: deutsch)
Die Frau von der Theke (1911)
Die Gartenparty (1921)

: Das Gartenfest und andere Erzählungen. (€ 12,00)
Insel Verlag GmbH,
ISBN/EAN: 9783458339052 (Language: deutsch)

: In einer deutschen Pension (€ 19,80)
ISBN/EAN: 9783743743939 (Language: deutsch)
Katherine Mansfield: In a German boarding house On 9 June 1909, a young woman moves into a room at the Hotel Kreuzer in Wörishofen - the name Käthe Beauchamp-Bowden is only used from 1920 onwards - under the name Käthe Beauchamp-Bowden . At the age of 20, she was not of legal age according to the law at the time. The self-confident New Zealander listed her profession as writer , even though not a single line of her work had been published up to this point. It cannot be said that Käthe´s life is running smoothly. Separated from her great love Maata Mahupuku, a Maori princess whom she met and fell in love with at school in Wellington, she becomes pregnant in London by the son of her cello teacher. She marries somewhat hastily, but not the father of the child, but a singing teacher, from whom she separates on the wedding night. Her mother then travels from New Zealand, hides the five-month pregnant minor in the darkest Bavaria and disinherits the wayward daughter. One month later, Käthe suffers a miscarriage. When she returns to England at the end of December 1909 after a stay of just under six months, she has a small collection of stories in her luggage that the literary world will soon recognise as trend-setting and genre-defining. Her short humour pieces mercilessly expose the real issues, throwing precise spotlights on violence in marriage and free love, on provincialism and self-indulgence. From February 1910, they appeared in the influential magazine New Age , alongside texts by Bernhard Shaw, H.G. Wells and G.K. Chesterton. The first book edition followed in 1911 under the title In a German Pension , which established the worldwide fame of the unconventional young woman who would henceforth appear under the name Katherine Mansfield. In a German Pension , first printed in 1911. Table of contents: Introduction. Germans at the meat. The Baron. The Baroness´s sister. Mrs Fischer. Mrs Brechenmacher attends a wedding party. The modern soul. At Lehmann´s. The air bath. A birthday. The child who was tired. The progressive lady. The swinging of the pendulum. An explosion. New edition. Edited by Karl-Maria Guth. Berlin 2022. Cover design by Thomas Schultz-Overhage using the image: Heiner Hawel, Collage Katherine Mansfield, 2022. Typeset from the Minion Pro, 11 pt. Henricus - Edition Deutsche Klassik GmbH

: Glück und andere Erzählungen. (€ 8,99)
Insel Verlag GmbH,
ISBN/EAN: 9783458358497 (Language: deutsch)
What can you do when you are thirty, turn into your own street and are suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of happiness - pure happiness! - as if you had suddenly swallowed a shining piece of that late afternoon sun, and now your chest was burning, and tiny showers of sparks shot through your whole body, into every finger and toe? Happiness is the best-known story by the New Zealand author, who has gone down in world literature as a master of the short story. This volume brings together the best and most popular stories.

: Fliegen, tanzen, wirbeln, beben (€ 22,00)
Manesse Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783717524823 (Language: deutsch)
One cannot escape the splendour of life. Katherine Mansfield Good days, bad days, moments of heavenly bliss or moments of deep consternation - the linguistic artist Katherine Mansfield turns everything into pure poetry. Her diary provides an insight into a life that, for all its brevity, is rich in emotions and self-doubt, artistic talents, love adventures, dramas and strokes of fate. The selection ranges from the first samples of talent by twelve-year-old New Zealander Kathleen Beauchamp to the brilliant diary prose of a mature writer. Presented here in a new translation, the texts fascinate with their depth of thought, intimacy, richness of feeling and the magic of poetic observation of the world. With an afterword by Dörte Hansen!

: In einer deutschen Pension. Lesung mit Nina Hoss (1 mp3-CD). Laufzeit ca. 1 Stunde 14 Minuten. (€ 15,00)
Der Audio Verlag,
ISBN/EAN: 9783742429667 (Language: deutsch)
At the age of twenty, Katherine Mansfield leaves her home in New Zealand to become a writer in London. But first she ends up pregnant in a boarding house in a Bavarian spa town. There, she is able to fulfil her literary talent for observation, especially when she meets people who shed the tight corset of social constraints during their cure. The result is razor-sharp and very amusing stories. They use seemingly banalities to illustrate deeply rooted patterns of behaviour, prejudices and clichés in the early 20th century. Nina Hoss lends her voice to the pioneer of the modern short story. Reading with Nina Hoss

: The Letters Of Katherine Mansfield Volume II (€ 24,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9781013654206 (Language: englisch)
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

: Letters Between Katherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murray (€ 22,50)
New Amsterdam Books,
ISBN/EAN: 9780941533768 (Language: englisch)
The New Zealand-born writer Mansfield (1888-1923) and her husband, Murry, the English editor and literary critic, exchanged hundreds of passionate, probing letters during their tempestuous 11-year relationship. Their correspondence reveals Mansfield´s fiercely independent spirit, as well as her intense need for undertanding from Murry from the time she met him at the home of a friend in London in 1912 until a few days before her death from tuberculosis in 1923.

: Katherine Mansfield Notebooks: Complete Edition (€ 28,00)
ISBN/EAN: 9780816642366 (Language: englisch)
Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) published three collections of short stories -- In a German Pension, Bliss, and The Garden Party -- during her tragically short life, and was acclaimed as one of modernism´s most daring and original writers. After her death from tuberculosis in France, Mansfield´s private writings and letters were edited by her husband, John Middleton Murry, and published in four volumes between 1927 and 1954. Murry, however, took liberties in recasting his wife´s journals and notes. He excluded most of the vast mass of material and revised much of what he included, resulting in a distorted image of Mansfield as a passive, ethereal spirit. More than four decades later, the real Mansfield finally emerges in The Katherine Mansfield Notebooks, the first unexpurgated edition of her private writings. Fully and accurately transcribed by editor Margaret Scott, these infrequent diary entries, drafts of letters, introspective notes jotted on scraps of paper, unfinished stories, half-plotted novels, poems, recipes, and shopping lists offer a complete and compelling portrait of a complex woman who was ambitious and at times ruthless, neurotic and sexually voracious, witty and acerbic, fascinated with the minutiae of daily life and obsessed with death.

: Delphi Complete Works of Katherine Mansfield (Illustrated) (€ 1,93)
Series Three,
ISBN/EAN: 9781909496033 (Language: englisch)
For the first time in publishing history, this eBook presents the complete works of the Modernist master short story writer Katherine Mansfield, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (6MB Version 1) * Beautifully illustrated with images relating to Mansfield´s life and works * Concise introductions to the short story collections and other works * The complete short stories * Images of how the books were first printed, giving your eReader a taste of the original texts * Excellent formatting of the texts * Mansfields beautiful poetry * Includes Mansfield´s non-fiction works, including her journal - spend hours exploring the authors personal thoughts * Features the first biography on Mansfield, written by her husband - discover the authors literary life * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres

: The Garden Party (€ 10,00)
Penguin Books Ltd (UK),
ISBN/EAN: 9780241341643 (Language: englisch)
Born in New Zealand in 1888, Katherine Mansfield Beauchamp was primarily a writer of short stories. She published Prelude and The Garden Party and Other Stories before her premature death from TB in 1923. Something Childish and her journal and letters were published posthumously.

: Miss Brill (€ 4,00)
Penguin Books Ltd,
ISBN/EAN: 9780141398655 (Language: englisch)
essays satirical and inspirational
Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin´s 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage

: The Collected Stories of Katherine Mansfield (€ 11,99)
ISBN/EAN: 9780141904856 (Language: englisch)
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY ALI SMITH Katherine Mansfield´s clear, sparkling and perceptive short stories revolutionized the genre, and this collection represents the whole range of her writing. Moving, resonant, full of light and colour, they range from short sharp studies to longer, richer tales, encompassing her three major volumes Bliss, The Garden Party and In a German Pension, and fifteen tantalizing fragments of unfinished stories published after her tragic death, including ´Honesty´, an intriguing tale of two bachelors, and ´The Doves´ Nest´, an exquisite story of a widowed mother and her daughter in the Riviera who receive a mysterious gentleman caller. Graceful, delicate and quietly devastating, they observe apparently trivial incidents to create sensitive, often painful revelations of her characters´ inner lives.

: The Collected Short Stories of Katherine Mansfield (€ 8,50)
ISBN/EAN: 9781840222654 (Language: englisch)
This collection allows the reader to become familiar with the complete range of Mansfield´s work from the early, satirical stories set in Bavaria, through the luminous recollections of her childhood in New Zealand, and through the mature, deeply felt stories of her last years.

: Von Tagebüchern und Trugbildern (2022)
Kulturverlag Kadmos,
ISBN/EAN: 9783865995025 (Language: deutsch)
Nicole Seifert ist gelernte Verlagsbuchhändlerin und promovierte Literaturwissenschaftlerin. Sie lebt in Hamburg und arbeitet als Autorin, Übersetzerin und Literaturkritikerin. Ihr Literaturblog nachtundtag.blog wurde 2019 vom Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels als bester Buchblog ausgezeichnet. Zuletzt erschien bei Kiepenheuer & Witsch ihr Buch FRAUEN LITERATUR, Abgewertet, vergessen, wiederentdeckt.
Die Tagebücher von Katherine Mansfield, Virginia Woolf und Sylvia Plath wurden nach dem Tod ihrer Autorinnen von den Ehemännern der Frauen herausgegeben. John M. Murry, Leonard Woolf und Ted Hughes wählten Einträge für die Veröffentlichung aus und strichen andere, kürzten innerhalb der Einträge, schrieben um und ergänzten, wo sie es für notwendig hielten. Durch diese Eingriffe sowie durch ihre Kommentare und Vorworte lenkten sie die Lektüre von vornherein in eine bestimmte Richtung und trugen maßgeblich zu den Legenden bei, die sich schon bald um die Personen von Mansfield, Woolf und Plath ranken sollten. Nicole Seifert legt die Vorgehensweisen der Herausgeber offen und stellt den Bildern, die die zensierten Ausgaben von ihren Autorinnen entwerfen, die Bilder gegenüber, die die vollständigen Tagebuchtexte abgeben. Parallel dazu geht sie der Frage nach, welche Aussagekraft Tagebücher überhaupt haben können: Tagebücher gelten als Lebenszeugnisse, als besonders authentische, unmittelbare Texte, die besonders nah am gelebten Leben sind. Aber Tagebuchschreiben ist zuallererst eine Praxis, die Niederschrift kann für den Diaristen also durchaus größere Bedeutung haben als der dabei entstehende Text als solcher - ein Umstand, der eher gegen die dokumentarische Aussagekraft des Tagebuchs spricht. In diesem Buch wird gefragt, wie sich Tagebücher vor diesem Hintergrund lesen lassen und was sich anhand eines Tagebuchs überhaupt über seinen Autor oder seine Autorin sagen lässt.